The office of the prophet is an extension of Christ's ministry and a function of the head of the body of Christ. The prophet operates in a realm of greater power and authority that those operating in the other two areas. As a result, a prophet has the grace to go beyond edification, exhortation and consolation. ...

II Ministerial Meeting “With the mentality of the Kingdom”
September 25, 2004

Second Ministerial Meeting which grouped every Pastoral Ministry under spiritual authority.
A Pre-meeting in Ciudad Satelite and the Meeting previously mentioned in Hidalgo, Mexico.


On Saturday September 18-25, 2004, the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry "Generación en Conquista" (Conquering Generation) held its Second Ministerial Meeting that united all the pastors and their wives who work under the ministry covering.
This year was particularly special, since the associate pastors were also in attendance, in addition to the main pastors.
The event took place in two parts: A pre-Meeting and later the main one.


The pre-Meeting gathered the main pastors and their wives on September 18-20 at the Hotel Parque Satélite in the municipality of Naucalpan in the state of Mexico.
The Apostolic-Prophetic team imparted a specific teaching to the pastors, utilizing an instructional course called MÁS ALLÁ DEL LIDERAZGO (Beyond Leadership).

The training and the ministry of the Holy Spirit were punctual and profound, focusing on the transformation of each one of the minister's lives until “Christ was formed”.

The purpose of this impartation was so the head pastors could transmit the teaching and the spirit of those who make up the team of front-line ministers in their respective congregations.
When Christ is formed in the life of each of the lives of those who are serving in obedience, then these in turn can serve to form others.
For this reason, what's Beyond Leadership is a MOLDER AND SHAPER.

The direction and the flow of the Holy Spirit were evident through the atmosphere of liberty that was sensed in the spiritual realm, which made the presence of God palpable.
Many chains and “rotten yokes” were broken through the anointing.  The communion that participants felt with one another and the manifestation of brotherly love —it really couldn't be any other way— helped the pastors of the churches from the diverse countries to forge strong bonds.
They also learned the importance to work as “a team” putting into practice“the unity of the faith” in order to spread the Kingdom of God and take His glory to every tribe and nation.

The Word came to everyone with a renewed vigor, affirming all the attendees with the present truth.
The ministry touched on all areas of life, with prophetic words that provided direction and clarity for each pastoral couple, making the plan that God has for His Church truly evident.

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In September 2004, the pastoral couples and their families were invited by the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry
"Generación en Conquista" (Conquering Generation) to the Hotel Parque Satélite in the state of Mexico for the
pre-Ministerial Meeting “With the Mentality of the Kingdom".

On September 21-25, the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry "Generación en Conquista" (Conquering Generation) held the Second Ministerial Meeting, "With the Mentality of the Kingdom", at the Hotel San Miguel Regla in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.
This event united pastors and associate pastors, together with their wives and children, from all the Churches under the covering of the ministry.

This Second Ministerial Meeting was characterized by the impartation of a teaching series based on the nature of the Church, the importance of the Body of Christ and the difference between human government —typified by Saul— and the divine government, represented by David.

One of the highlights of this Second Encounter was the roundtable discussion on: HOW TO DEVELOP THE KINGDOM MENTALITY IN THE MINISTRY in the light of the letters to the Galatians and Ephesians.

During this session we analyzed the labor of an apostolic pastor who develops his Ministry according to the dimension of the Kingdom, giving himself completely and unconditionally over to the saints for his love of the Lord and them, taking into account the necessity of“presenting everyone as a perfect man in Christ”.  A particular emphasis was placed on the fact that“God multiplies that which loves.”
God didn't make Eve from the dust of the Earth for a powerful reason: In order for there to be multiplication according to God's plan, Adam needed to love Eve as he loved himself.   That's the reason that He took her from his side (and one of his ribs).
When the Lord presented her to him, Adam said,“This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh”.
The foundation of multiplication in the correct spirit is love. Numerical growth in a congregation, without the members giving themselves over to one another, will never result in the multiplication that God desires.
Each one needs to multiply what he or she has in Christ.
Adding is to simply put larger numbers into the temple; multiplying is to reproduce what each of us has in Christ.

On a grander scale, the attending pastoral families learned to distinguish between the classic“gospel of salvation” that the Church has preached for years and the “gospel of the Kingdom” presented by Jesus when he inaugurated his ministry on the Earth.

The first gospel message simply sends people to Heaven, making converts who live on this Earth with an “escapist” mentality.  They have no clear responsibility towards their generation and are ineffective in the midst of a lost world that needs Christians and a Church that can offer it a message of hope.
The second gospel installs Christians on the Earth to fulfill their purpose, living according to the laws of the Kingdom and WITH THE MENTALITY OF THE KINGDOM.
The Kingdom of God can only be implanted on the Earth WITH THE MENTALITY OF THE KINGDOM.

They're not the activities planned by a church program, nor are they strategies aimed at the needs of the people, but rather an impartation of life in the areas where people really live on a daily basis.
No longer will it be necessary to try and attract people or convince them of extraordinary things; instead, they will come when they see Christ and His Kingdom reflected in the members of the Body of Christ.

We also need to mention that the pastors' children also had their Encounter WITH THE MENTALITY OF THE KINGDOM.  They were taught daily by specially trained teachers while the adults attended the sessions, learning the same lessons and themes that their parents were receiving in order to achieve a full integration in the teaching.  It was exciting to see the children's public presentation of all of their work. In addition, the drama group of the Generación en Conquista Church of ciudad Satélite, Mexico presented a special performance based on the five-fold ministry.

The communion service with the entire group present was outstanding, along with the manifestation of the anointing to live and speak in the same spirit.   Each pastoral couple returned to their native countries and congregations full of a new revelation of God and embracing the fulfilling responsibility of transferring all that they learned and experienced to each one of their congregation's members.
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Image that represents the Logotype or reason of the II Ministerial Meeting

Video and Audio of the Introduction to “With the mentality of the Kingdom”

Other pastoral couples and their children attended the Second Ministerial Meeting “With the Mentality of the Kingdom”
at the Hotel San Miguel Regla in the state of Hidalgo

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations