given in public, so it wasn't prepared and edited as a formal wrinting.

English Voice: Pastor Caesar Galindo
In order to be able to refer to the prophetic word of this year, 2010, and what the Lord showed me for this year, 2010, I need to refer back to something very specific that the Lord spoke in 2009.
On January 18th of 2009 in Veracruz, Mexico, the Lord gave me a prophetic word titled “YEAR 2009: SIGN OF THE TIMES”. And in that Word, God said that the year of 2009 was a Year that marks the beginning of the change of the nature of the times on Earth.
When I received this word, it truly was very hard to digest and even difficult to be able to understand, because it is not something for the human mind, but for the spirit; it is something to be understood and discerned spiritually.
God said that this change was so important for humanity that it was like crossing the Jordan River, but not just any Jordan River, but the Jordan River of the times. It meant that up until 2009, the earth had lived one kind of time, but starting in 2009 the entire world and creation would live a new time according to God’s clock and calendar.
But the Lord said something else. He said that this change in the times was so important that He would give 2 signs One in the sky and the other on earth that would confirm that what He was saying at the beginning of 2009 was His truth, and that the times were starting the change. There were two signs whose time to be fulfilled was unmistakably the year 2009.
I want to tell you that both signs were fulfilled. I just want to mention something that is public because this was in the news and was publicized throughout the world.
1. Fulfillment of the first sign: The sign in the sky.
The first fulfillment of the prophetic word was the sign in the sky. This sign was fulfilled March 2nd 2009 at 8:44 a.m. Eastern Time in the United States when it was discovered that there was an asteroid called “2009 DD 45” that was seven times closer to Earth than the moon. This asteroid passed by the Earth by about 60,000 kilometers to the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean and it’s measurements were about thirty or forty or fifty meters in diameter, they said. The most important part of all of this is that the scientist in charge of this, the one who discovered this, the one… who is the scientist who works in the Australian Observatory Siding Spring said the following: “No object, no object of that size or greater, has ever been observed this close to the Earth.”
In the history of the world there have been objects of smaller size, but never objects of that size or greater which were ever so close to the Earth. What’s more, he says that they were taken off guard because they never thought it would come that close to the Earth. And this scientist added, that an asteroid of the characteristic of DD45 has the ability to destroy an entire city… an entire city. The first sign was fulfilled March 2nd, 2009.
2. Fulfillment of the second sign: The sign on Earth
The second sign began to be fulfilled on Earth in a certain geographical point which is Mexico. It started at the end of April in 2009 when the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the emergence of a new virus. We all know it. This is even more public: The flu virus A-H1N1. You know this started to run across the world but June 11th, 2009, Dr. Margaret Chan, the Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) made public a declaration about this organism, which raised the alert to the maximum level, which is level 6. And Dr. Chan said these exact words: “this refers to a burst of H1N1 which had never circled before in the human race, a completely new virus…”
These are her written words.
June 11th, the same day in which the World Health Organization (WHO) made the declaration of a level 6 Pandemic in Stockholm; it was also declared that H1N1 was: “The first global pandemic of the 21st century.”
You can find all of this information in official sites; on the World Health Organization (WHO) site, as well as on the Observatory’s website. This means that there is something in common here that you can tie together and connect from these 2 signs…signs
Have asteroids ever come close to the Earth before? Yes, many have.
Have there ever been flues before? Yes, there have been many.
Have there been different types of flues? Yes, a lot.
But listen to one thing. There are 2 things aside from the fulfillment of these signs that allow me to know that these 2 signs are the ones that God was referring to when He spoke. Why? Because in both cases we’re talking about something that is new and unprecedented, something that has never happened before. The asteroid and the A, H1 N1 virus are so absolutely new, meaning that what God spoke, He confirmed.
The world and the Church need to know that God spoke! They need to know! It’s not important who God spoke through, this isn’t important. What’s important is that the world and the Church: must know and
Need to know that God spoke and when God speaks it’s serious, and when God speaks He has a defined purpose! And if God speaks, we need to understand and discern what God is speaking in the appropriate way, because an understanding people is one that acts, because they understand what God is doing, so that they can act according to what God wants in the generation that they have to live in.
Having this in mind, in the Word for 2009 there were prophecies like this, that were fulfilled in 2009, and other prophecies for which God did not give a precise time, and they will happen successively.
Having all this in mind as a base, really when I declared what God spoke to me in 2009, never did I ever think that God had to reveal to me why, why He decided to change the nature of the times on Earth.
Why? Simply put, He is sovereign. He doesn’t owe explanations to anybody. Not even to His own prophets. Nobody.
Of course there is a principle of God!... It says: God will not do anything without revealing it to His servants, the prophets… but even if He decided not to, He is sovereign to do so.
Understanding this, we never went to God asking for a special revelation, but a couple of days back I was very shocked because it was pleasing to the Lord to reveal to me the motive, the main reason why He had decided to change the nature of the times in 2009.
When this happened to me, He told me with clarity that I was sent with this Word, that I had to declare it because this Word would be:
The voice of a new time starting in 2010 for the Earth!
It would be an alert! A sound of alert from God, from the grace of God starting in 2010 for humanity.
Why? Because the purpose of God is written, and it’s defined. The Lord doesn’t want… anyone to perish. The Lord wants every human being on the face of the Earth to proceed to repentance.
Having this in mind, I want to go to the first point of the Word from the Lord. I don’t know if you’re in a hurry but I’m going to take my time today. You know why? Because if we don’t understand in the spirit what I’m going to say from the Lord, not only do we run the risk of not understanding this correctly, but the main risk is not acting according to the way God wants, and I know that you and I want to act the way God wants. We don’t ever want to, as much as we are able to, fail the Lord. So I’m going to take my time.
I. This is the year of knowing the difference between
“the sovereign” and “the responsible”
Why do I say this? Because to understand the cause for which the Lord is changing the nature of the times starting in 2009, I need to use as a base what the Scripture records about key moments in human history in which God changed the nature of the times.
If I can discern and understand the reasons for which God changed the times in history, then I will understand even more clearly what lead Him to change these times starting in 2009. Am I being clear?
1. The Double Change
The first change was a change which affected every human being and I call it: The Double Change.
I’ll tell you why I call it the double change. Because this has to do with a phrase that God said to Adam and Eve when He created them, and He placed them in the Garden of Eden. You remember, without needing to open your Bible, that when God placed them in this supernatural beauty—from every angle that you look at it—which was Eden, He said a phrase to them. He was speaking to them about the tree of good and evil. He said:
“…for when you eat of it, you will SURELY DIE.”
This wasn’t just any word from God. This was a serious warning from God to humanity. Why? Because if humanity did not listen to this, if they held it as insignificant, or did not obey it, human beings themselves would end up activating this double change.
What is this double change? To understand a double change we need to understand the following: When God created Adam and Eve, He allowed them to share His eternity.
What does it mean to share His eternity? It means that Adam and Eve were not subjected to what we know today as “past time, present time, and future time.” Adam and Eve shared eternity with God. They were not subjected to a calendar or a clock. The first change brought about by the sin of eating of this fruit was that from exactly this moment on, Adam and Eve knew what we call today “chronos,” the chronological time which is measured by a clock.
2. Death Entered into the world
There was no chronological time and there was no death. Both of these things came in when man disregarded: the day you eat from the tree, you will surely die… It’s as if God were saying, “The day you eat from this you will be building a clock that until now does not exist, a clock that will put a limit to the days of your life on Earth.”
It’s evident then that death was not a part of God’s original plan for man and it was man who was responsible for allowing death to enter or leaving it outside forever.
Both of these changes, the double change, did not happen because of God. It didn’t happen because it was God’s will. The one responsible for this double change at the beginning of Creation was humanity.
Let me show you a second change! In Genesis chapter 5 you will find that the Scripture speaks of man—that even while in sin—man lived for many years. Also we can see that verse 27 of chapter 5 speaks of Methuselah, and we always joke about Methuselah when we are referring to a person that never seems to die like Methuselah., “No, but you really haven’t lived that much”… Methuselah lived 969 years. This means that even though there was sin, humanity still lived for many years on Earth. But one day a second change came which also affected all of humanity.
I want you to read with me Genesis 6:3. The Word says,
“Then the LORD said, My Spirit will not contend with man forever,
for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
“The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become,
and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil all the time.”
Now let’s go to verse 13:
“So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people,
for the earth is filled with violence because of them.
I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.”
Genesis 6:3, 5, 13
The first thing I see here is that there’s pain in God’s heart and He says: I have seen that the earth is filled with violence because of them. I have no alternative. In the first place, what they do and what they are on the inside is so evil that I can’t allow them to keep living almost a thousand years.
The second change was a change in the time of the physical life of human beings on Earth. You will live for a maximum of 120 years, and there was something else there too because even the psalmist says: that we live seventy or eighty years yet their span is but trouble and sorrow...
So, from there it seems that our years were shortened even more, that even today it’s strange to meet someone who lives to be one hundred. We see it in the media when somebody turns one hundred or one hundred and ten years old, some person from the country.
This means that God established a second change, a limit in the life on the earth.
But once again I see something else. The one responsible for this change is man and not God. Once again, the change has a cause, once again the change was brought upon by someone, someone is responsible for this change and the one responsible for this change is not God.
Now, despite the fact that there was a change in the nature of the times, God, in His grace, took a man and said: “I’m going to save mankind and the species of the Earth, through Noah, whose name means ‘rest.’”
3. The Third Change
The third change that I’m going to refer to doesn’t necessarily have to do with chronological time, but I’m going to refer to it as a third change. It’s a change that didn’t affect all of humanity, but it affected two specific cities.
This means, that there’s changes in the nature of the times that can affect humanity, but I can also see in the Scriptures that there are changes that can affect regions or certain sectors or cities.
And this change was for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Why did this change come? Because when you go to Genesis 18, and let’s read together verse 20… it says… this is a conversation that God is having with Abraham, and God is letting him know what He’s going to do with Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham was a friend of God, and only to intimate friends do you reveal secrets to. So, God said, I have to reveal this to Abraham… He said, Abraham look:
“…the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah
is so great, and their sin is so grievous…”
Genesis 18:20
This means that God was going to verify every cry that had come to Him. He was going to verify of all of these outcries, because the Scripture says that these outcries had reached an extreme because of the severity of what was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah… What was so severe about them? The fundamental severity of what was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah, aside from every other sin, was the perversion of what was created by God with respect to human gender and sexuality. They had begun to commit a great perversion, especially with homosexuality. When you begin to read chapter 19 and what happens with the angels that arrived at Lot’s house, it’s horrendous what was happening at the door of the house; when men were banging on the door and saying, “Bring these men outside because we want to have sexual relations with them”! And you remember that the scene is so grave that even Lot says to them, No! I’ll offer you my daughters, but don’t take them!
Imagine what it was like and what was happening in this city.
The Scripture says that in this conversation with Abraham, God begins to receive Abraham’s prayer and petition. He says: “Lord you are not unjust! You can’t destroy the righteous with the sinner. No! It isn’t something you would do; everyone will speak badly of you.”
And the Lord started to listen to His friend.
And He says “ok, so tell me”… and he began to say to him… “for this many… and this many… and this many”… You remember, right? And God said to him, “if I find 50, I won’t destroy the city. If I find 40… I won’t do it. If I find 30… I won’t do it… “And now that I have spoken,” He said,… “the last one!”... “the last one!” “If you find 10?” And then God said, “even if I find 10, I still won’t do it…”
But you know what grabs my attention? That when He says this, in Genesis chapter 18, verse 33… I’m going to read verse 32 to put it into context, and there is something that is key here, verse 32 says,
“… ‘May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more.
What if only ten can be found there?’
He answered, ‘For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.’
When the LORD had finished speaking with Abraham,
he left, and Abraham returned home.”
Genesis 18:32-33
Why did the Lord leave right after Abraham finished asking Him to save just ten people?
Many times some of us think and even we believe that if Abraham would have kept praying… if he would have kept crying out… and if he could have kept interceding… if he would have lowered the number down to even just one person; God would have listened to him. God would have answered him, and God would have had mercy.
Let me tell you that this thought, even though it’s very nice and sentimentally flattering to the soul, it is not from God.
Do you know why Abraham stopped? And why God left? Because both of them, God and Abraham above all, knew that there was a spiritual principle from God that Abraham knew profoundly. He understood the number ten as something too important in God’s spiritual principles concerning human responsibility. I want to show this principle to you.
When we speak of the number ten, the first thing I want to show you, is that the number ten is important to God; and I want to make a very important parenthesis here. I don’t want to talk about this in relation to numerology. I want to talk about this by showing you in the Word that the number ten and human responsibility are linked together as a spiritual principal by God and not by man.
When God says something ten times, time is up, He doesn’t say it again, because “ten” is the complete and total responsibility of man.
And look at what I have found out about the number ten!
In the first place, it’s a number of wholeness and perfection in the divine order. Why? Because it marks the sufficiency of God’s purpose in matters of divine order, and in these matters, it represents the responsibility of the human measure.
For this reason you have on your hand, on both hands, you have ten fingers… and on your feet you have ten toes.
And are you the one who’s completely responsible for what you do with these ten fingers? Or is God? It’s you. God will not stop your fingers, God will not stop your hands; God isn’t going to do anything. God told you, you are completely and absolutely responsible for what you do with these ten fingers on your hands. This means that with these fingers you have the absolute responsibility of serving me. And with these ten toes on your feet, you have the absolute responsibility of following me and walking in my paths. I am not the one responsible for you serving me, and I’m not even responsible for you following me! You are the only one responsible.
We tend to cry… and fill our souls with emotion and say: “if only Abraham would have continued praying…” Abraham could not continue. Abraham knew God’s principle and I’m going to confirm this with a passage from the Scriptures that I refer to as “demolishing” in Numbers 14.
Please go to Numbers 14 because there is something there that is like a precious pearl that will help you realize that it has nothing to do with numbers. It has to do with God’s principles. In Numbers 14, verse 20 we are going to see what happened with the Israelites that rebelled against the Lord, and did not enter into the land because of that rebellion. In Numbers 14, verse 19, Moses is praying to God and he cries out and says to Him,
In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people,
just as you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now."
“The LORD replied, I have forgiven them, as you asked.
Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the LORD
fills the whole earth, not one of the men who saw my glory
and the miraculous signs I performed in Egyptand in the desert
but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times—
not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers.
No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it.”
Numbers: 14:19-23
Is this numerology? No, it’s a divine principal.
The Lord says: I forgive them, but no one can keep them from dying. It cannot be avoided. I forgive them Moses! But I can’t keep them from paying with a punishment because ten means that now they are absolutely responsible.
They were completely conscious of the decisions they made and I make them completely responsible for the destiny that their own path caused for them.
This is powerful, isn’t it!
Aren’t we in the year 2010? And God is saying that this Year is the voice of a new time, and this new voice is a sound of alert.
This voice of a new time indicates that we will be completely responsible for the decisions that the Church and the world make starting in the year 2010. Because this sound and this revelation from the Scripture, and this revelation of the change of the times only comes to warn us. It only comes as a warning, as an alert of divine grace to say: Be careful! I will make you absolutely responsible for your actions!
What’s more, there is something that surprises me in the Scripture. When you read Genesis 5 you will find a very moving fact, because there appear the names of the first ten patriarchs. The first ten!
And did you know that the gospel is revealed in the meaning of their names?
Let me show you!
The name Adam, means man.
The name Seth, means appointed.
The name Enosh, means able to die.
The name Kenan, means sad or lamenting.
The name Mahalaleel, means the blessed God.
The name Jared, means shall come down.
The name Enoch, means teaching.
The name Methuselah, means his death shall bring.
The name Lamech, means to the poor and humbled.
The name Noah, the last patriarch,means rest.
Let me read the meaning of all the names together and you be the judge!
“Man appointed,
able to die sad or lamenting.
The blessed God shall come down,
His death shall bring, to the poor and humbled,
Jesus Christ is hidden in the names of the ten patriarchs!
There is power in the names of these ten, because the names indicated the responsibility of what the eternal Gospel of the Kingdom of God would bring. To free the captives, to break through the bondage of the imprisoned, to take them out of the jails, to lead people that are obedient, faithful, surrendered, consecrated to God, and to His purposes!
Blessed be the King who declares from the beginning, the end!
Are we understanding the meaning of responsibility in the number ten?
Do you realize that I am not interested in talking about numbers? But I am interested in speaking of the principles that are established in the Word.
So Abraham, Abraham did not lack intimacy with God, that’s why he stopped asking at ten. How do we dare to judge a man who was called the father of our faith, the man who when God asked him for his only son, was willing to use a knife? And sometimes we say —excuse me for putting it this way—foolish things without wisdom, that come from the soul. Of course he had an intimate relationship with God! He had so much intimacy with God, that without a Bible, without a teacher, without anyone to teach him, he knew that within God there was a spiritual principal. Ten is the number of human responsibility and it cannot be any less than ten. He was in agreement with God.
So brothers and sisters, when you think about Sodom and Gomorrah there were not even ten, the Bible says, not even 10 righteous men. So when you think about who was responsible for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah you’ll have to say that it was man, but we can never say that it was God.
4. The Fourth Change
I want to show you a fourth change that is in Genesis 11, we’re just going to read something from there, Genesis chapter 11. It’s a fourth change, and it’s a change that is totally different from the ones we’ve seen so far. Up until now we’ve seen changes that totally affect humanity, or that affect every human being. We’ve seen changes that affect specific cities, but here is a change that is very different because this change only affected the language, the language of human beings over the earth.
When you go to Genesis 11 you’re going to find something very powerful there. It says,
“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly."
They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said,
"Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens,
so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face
of the whole earth." But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower
that the men were building. The LORD said, "If as one people speaking
the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan
to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse
their language so they will not understand each other."
So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth,
and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel —…
(Because there the LORD confused… Babel means “confusion”)
…because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world.
From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”
Genesis 11:1-9
Let me show you a perspective on this passage that is not human, but divine. When one reads the passage, one says, “Well what’s wrong with building a town and a tower? There’s nothing wrong with it! No! But the bad thing here is that they wanted to get to heaven… No, that’s not the bad thing either; it’s more profound than this.
They say this: We’re going to build this, and where going to build a high tower, so high it’s going to reach the sky because of this: Just in case we were scattered...
So, it doesn’t matter where we are. If the tower is all the way up in the sky, we’re going to be able to see it. And everything is fine up until here…
Where was the shameless act of rebellion against God? It’s a principle. When God created Adam and Eve didn’t He tell them, be fruitful, multiply, govern and rule the earth, and fill it?
What was the sin then? That they said, we don’t agree with filling the earth. We don’t like your idea God of filling the earth. We’re building what we are building, because if it depends on us, then we’re not going to allow you to scatter us over the earth…
And God said, you know what, let’s go down there… Oh! We have serious problems here…. These people started this thing and they will not stop. So, because my purpose needs to be fulfilled, we’re going to confuse their tongues, because it is necessary that my principle of filling the earth be fulfilled.
Once again, why did God change the language? And why now I have to learn English or another language? When you go to a place with a different language, or if you go to serve God in a different country, you have to study their language. Why? Simply because man wanted to make and carry out his own plans and projects.
And let me tell you something! When we try to accomplish our own plans and purposes, we do not listen to anybody! Not even God!
Let me repeat this, and I include in this phrase all of us who claim to be the children of God Don’t think that it’s just for those on the outside:
When we decide to do something, a lot of the time we don’t listen to anybody, even if God tells us, we don’t even listen to Him!
And then later down the road we cry because what I was told was the right thing, but in that moment I was blind because I was caught up in what I thought I had to do, and how I had to do it.
They didn’t even listen to God and God had to change the language!
5. The Fifth Change
The fifth and last change that I’m going to show you in order to lay a foundation for the Word of the year 2010 is one of the most important changes. Why? Because it relates directly to what God spoke to me regarding the year 2010.
Please, go with me to Luke 19. This change in the nature of the times only affected Israel. In Luke chapter 19 we’re going to read something very important about what Jesus did there. When Jesus entered, sitting on a donkey and receiving praises from the people of God, receiving their praises and coming closer to Jerusalem, and when others said: “stop praising Him… stop praising Him”… He said, Oh! If they don’t praise me, then the stones will praise me, so I cannot stop praising Him… But when He came close to Jerusalem something happened. It says that He cried for the city of Jerusalem. But there’s something special about these words. Verse 41:
As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it
and said, "If you, even you, had only known on this day
what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.
The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment
against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.
They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls.
They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the
time of God's coming to you."
Luke 19:41-44
Why was Israel going to suffer such a radical and fierce change?
Simply because when the Messiah of God came to earth they rejected Him. They did not recognize that the Messiah was the time of visitation... God’s glorious visitation for Israel. They did not recognize this time, they did not know that this was a time of grace and visitation; and this also brought for them the consequence of the rejection of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
What’s more, when you go to Luke 23, we’re not going to read this; there’re some women that are crying for Jesus while he’s carrying the cross. But He stops, and it’s the only time that He stops; and He says to the women, yes, it is definitely a time to cry, but not to cry for Me, but to cry for you and to cry for your children for what will happen to Jerusalem.
So, Jesus was not asking them to cry for Him or His suffering, He was saying to them clearly, you do not know what’s coming for you, and not for me, as a consequence of this rejection.
History tells us—You can go to books, to the internet, wherever you want—history clearly tells us, that in the year 70 A.C. Titus, the Emperor of Rome, destroyed Jerusalem in such a horrific way, that there was literally no stone left unturned. What’s more, some historic facts say that all of Judea was turned into ruins. More than one million one hundred thousand Jews died and more than ninety-seven thousand were either scattered or enslaved. And from the historic point of view, listen to this very well; the defeat of the Jews was one of the causes of the Diaspora. What’s more, numerous Jews scattered across the land after losing their homeland; and some of them were sold as slaves in different places in the Roman Empire. It was one of the greatest catastrophes in Jewish history, which ended, listen to this, which ended the history of the Jewish State in ancient times. And how much it cost Israel!—to be a Nation again, to once again have a homeland.
Historically and from the religious point of view, the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem meant the greatest spiritual loss for the Jews, so important that up until today they remember it, in the day of mourning, the day of mourning in which they cry on those walls of the Temple.
This means, that when we look back and examine the journey of human history, and the changes in the nature of the times, I ask myself a question, and it’s as follows: Did God in His sovereignty, make these changes in an arbitrary way, without a reason for basing his decisions?
I’m going to summarize this in one phrase. I have the answer in one phrase. For me the most important phrase that I read in order to understand the answer to this question is what God said about the men when they were building the city and the tower in Babel. He said: if they have begun to do this then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
I have shown you five changes. Human history confirms that for every change in the nature of the times there was someone responsible and somebody who caused it, and he is called man. It’s invalid, it has no foundation, let the heavens and the Earth listen to this; there are no grounds from which man can rise up and say that God was the culprit, that God was the cause of this…and say that because God is sovereign and who can stand up against His sovereignty?...that God acts arbitrarily, God is God anyway, and no one can stand against Him….
History says that God is love, and in His love He never used His sovereignty to act arbitrarily. There is not one biblical text, not one single word that shows me that the God of love acts arbitrarily over Creation, nor over the skies, nor over the earth, nor over the Universe; what’s more, not even over Satan or his minions did He act arbitrarily. Because when He could have destroyed him the day that Satan fell, being God He said, no, not this way, in the same way you destroyed a man I will destroy you as a man… And the Eternal God made Himself flesh!
NEVER! Listen Heavens- NEVER!... Listen Earth- NEVER!... Listen Angels- NEVER!... Listen Demons- Never! We will never be able to accuse God of being arbitrary for what He did because he is Sovereign…
Praise Him! Blessed are You Lord! Your faithfulness is forever, Your love has no limits, It cannot be contained! Blessed be the Lord!
La historia dice que Dios es amor y en su amor jamás usó su soberanía para actuar arbitrariamente, no hay un solo texto bíblico, no hay una sola palabra que me demuestre que el Dios de amor actúa arbitrariamente, ni sobre la Creación, ni sobre el Cielo, ni sobre la Tierra, ni sobre el Universo, es más, ni sobre Satanás ni sus huestes Él actuó arbitrariamente, porque cuando podía haberlo destruido el día que cayó, por ser Dios dijo: así no, de igual a igual, destruiste un hombre te voy a destruir como hombre... Y se encarnó el Dios Eterno.
¡Nunca! escuchen los cielos; ¡nunca!, escuche la Tierra; ¡nunca!, escúchenlo Ángeles; ¡nunca", escuchen los demonios; ¡nunca! podremos acusar a Dios de arbitrario, de que lo hizo porque es Soberano... ¡Alábele bien! Bendito seas Rey, para siempre es tu fidelidad, tu amor no tiene límites no se puede contener. ¡Bendito seas!
II. This is a year of knowing the difference between
“will” and “consequences”<
From what we’ve analyzed so far, I believe that we clearly understand that every change in the nature of the times was caused by man and not by God, and it was caused because of the evil in man, and it was caused because of man’s rejection to the person of Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
What’s more, you can use God’s name today wherever, but never dare to say that God is Jesus Christ because that’s where the problem starts. Whenever we talk about God it seems like everything’s ok. You have your god in your mind, I have my god in my mind, and the other has his god in his mind. But when you say, no wait a second, but God, the real God is Jesus Christ; they say, no. That’s pride—that’s discrimination… Remember that word, discrimination.
You can’t believe that you’re the only one with the truth. There’re many cultures in the world, and each of them interprets God as they best can. If you say that God is Jesus Christ, that’s when the true problems begin.
And having understood this, all of us know that today the marvelous new covenant of grace in Christ Jesus is active. How many millions of millions in the world enjoy of the blessing of being sons and daughters of God? Right?
Blessed be the Eternal Covenant in Christ!
We must understand that even the change in the nature of the times has not affected the covenant. The covenant continues. The covenant of grace continues and it will continue. But also, we can’t shut our eyes or look the other way, and not realize that the nations and governments have not really given the control to, or not recognized Jesus Christ as King as the one who should govern life and the nations. Are we clear on this?
Based upon everything we’ve just seen, now we can interpret correctly what God spoke to me.
I needed to say all of this before I could tell you what God told me. Because if I don’t, then we run the risk; not of misinterpreting me, I don’t mind that, but misinterpreting what God says and therefore not acting in the way that God wants us to act.
God told me this with respect to the world and the nations:
“…because you didn’t know the time of your visitation”
This phrase “…because you didn’t know the time of your visitation” (Luke 19:44b),
these were the words that He used to reveal to me that up until the year 2009,
God had extended a time of special visitation over the entire world.
During all of this time of special visitation God had been stopping many
of the consequences that man and the Earth should have suffered
because of their wickedness and their sin. Why did God stop it?
So that man would lift up his eyes and say: Clearly we are not reaping
what we have been sowing, God is calling us to get closer to Him,
to repent, to give Him the government of our life and our nations.
This means that there was an abundant manifestation of God’s grace for man,
so that he would see that he had not really been harvesting from his wickedness,
so that he would realize and say, My God, how good you are!
How much you love me! I want to surrender to You!
But because this time was not understood, starting in 2010,
starting in 2010 I say as a prophet of God, the consequences of not having
discerned this time will begin to be experienced in the world and in the nations;
so that the nations understand that the suffering that will come as a cause
of their evilness, it’s a new opportunity of grace to lift up
your eyes to the heaven, return to the Lord and repent.
What God said to me is too serious. You can’t listen to these words from God and do anything less than tremble, because you and I are on this planet called Earth, because you and I are immersed in the reality that the nations will suffer. Even though we are covered by the Lord, of course we are, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t suffer the consequences. There are things that you’re going to suffer that are general and that touch entire cities, even though we are the righteous of the Lord. Of course, the difference for us is in how we act when faced with this, this is what we really have… but yes, there will be suffering.
When I understood this I realized something, if you are just a little bit observant, it seems that when January 1st began, yes, that’s how I’m saying it- January 1st of 2010, the clock changed because events started to occur one after another. Up until today, February 21st, 2010. January and February were amazing: from the disaster in Haiti, the snowfalls in the world, in the United States like never before, with all the things that started to happen it was so clear to me, it was so clear to say, Yes Lord, You really started this change in the nature of the times. We truly have initiated something and we don’t really understand what has happened.
This means that what we see from here on out, sometimes we want to take as a judgment of God. No! Please understand me. What we see from here on out, is more than a judgment of God; it’s simply that we are going to start to reap what the world has sown out of its wickedness. This means that God removed his hands from what he was holding back and said okay, this needs to happen, because if it doesn’t happen…
They didn’t recognize me in prosperity, so they will need to recognize me in suffering. Do you know why? Because if we don’t recognize Him in prosperity, nor in suffering, the things that we do as men lead us to our own destruction and God doesn’t want man to destroy himself. Once again, this sound of alert, this voice of a new time is raised in order to reveal one more day of grace in God for the world and for the nations.
It is for this brothers and sisters that when you read John 3, verse 16, and I want you to read with me something that I want to say. “But brother, are you really going to read to me something that is so basic in the Gospel?”…Yes. I’m going to give you something very basic from the Gospel, but we’re going to see something very important related to this- John chapter 3:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish
but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved.
He who believes in Him is not condemned;
but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he
has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come
into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
John 3: 16-19
This well-known passage demonstrates something- that when Jesus came as the one sent by God, he came with a goal: to save the world. He didn’t come to condemn it, He came to save it. However, this passage also makes me see that condemnation exists. But listen well. Does condemnation exist because of God’s will? It says in the passage that condemnation is the consequence, once again, of rejecting Christ.
You have to put the word condemnation in its exact place and understand it in its context. The word condemnation is not tied to the will of God. It is tied to the consequence of the rejection of Christ.
This means, that when Christ arrives brothers and sisters, it’s a blessing and it’s a problem. The blessing is that if I really repent and I receive Him, I am a blessed one of God. The problem is, if I don’t repent and I don’t receive Him, I am condemned because the arrival of Christ is the arrival of a very important word for this time: definition—later on we will talk about this word—definition.
Whenever Christ arrives, it’s a defining moment. Christ never arrives at a place so that the people take a lot of time to change. When Christ arrives you have to define yourself. There is no more time… He arrived, so you need to define yourself; if you don’t define yourself, you condemn yourself, God doesn’t condemn you.
But there is a passage in John 3:36 that is even more grave than this, because in John 3:36 Jesus says himself:
He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.
John 3:36
Here there is a combination. Here I see a combination and I call it: the conjunction of disaster.
What is the conjunction of disaster? A person that is not only condemned for having rejected Christ, but now also, as the Bible says—the wrath of God abides on him.
This means that any person, any nation of the land that is rejecting Christ is not only condemned, but the wrath of God abides on him…or her. This is what the Word of God says. God’s blessing is not the type of blessing that can be given lightly without understanding of its meaning.
The Bible says, God has established that who rejects Christ is alredy condemn and affirms that wrath of God is upon Him.
This means that humanity has to understand what they haven’t wanted to understand. Brothers and sisters, the world must understand and we must understand that the things of the Spirit are simple:
Only two kingdoms exist, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.
Only two governments exist, the government of Christ or that of the devil.
(If I don’t live under the kingdom of Christ, whether I want to or not, I am going to live
under the kingdom of the devil).
Only two kinds of human beings live: children of God, and children of the devil,
(Whether I like it or not, Jesus established it as such).
Only two kinds of eternal states of being exist: eternal life and eternal death.
Only two kinds of destinies exist: Heaven or what we call the presence of God or hell.
The world, the nations and sometimes the Church haven’t wanted to believe that this is so strict, that there aren’t any other options, there isn’t any possibility of neutrality.
… “Hey look, he isn’t of the Lord, but he’s such a good person!” No. The Bible says that he is a child of the devil. Jesus says that he is a child of the devil and I have to be in agreement with Jesus, however great the person may seem. I am not going to agree with you because that’s not what God says. Hmm…
Until he surrenders himself to Christ he will continue being a child of the devil, because the original sin converted him into a child of the devil when he was born. And he will be a child of the devil until this original sin is removed from him by only one person, and that is Christ.
Only He can take away the original sin!
Didn’t the prodigal son say, “I have sinned? I have sinned against Heaven and I have sinned against my father, what’s more, I am not worthy of being called a son, his son”.
—What was the father’s love going to be like?...Amazing! But there had to be a clear acknowledgement of what was going on inside him. Listen, because the good news is that if the suffering begins but the nations lift their heads to the Lord and they repent, He will cancel. God has the power to cancel the consequences. God doesn’t want the consequences to occur. What God wants is that when the suffering starts, man sets his eyes on Him and He has to say, “Stop! We have to stop there!”
I’m going to show you that it is this way even in the Word. That every change in the nature of the times is an alert of mercy, a powerful act of the love and grace of God.
III. The year of knowing the signs as a “preamble”
The year of knowing the signs as a preamble. The signs of 2009- why do I say that they are a preamble? That they serve as a warning? That they serve as an introduction? Because they are to be used by us in order to learn and to know what is coming in the world beginning right now, as much on earth as in heaven. This means that a sign is that which shows me what is to come. Where? On earth as in heaven. Because it was not just a single sign, it was a double sign, one in heaven and one on earth, both have been fulfilled. These signs are the preamble that shows us that not only will things happen on earth, but also in heaven—from here on out… and they shouldn’t surprise us.
In Psalm 127, and I want us to read, I know that we know this but I just want to read one verse in the Psalm. Psalm 127, verse 1:
Unless the LORD builds the house,
Its builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Psalm 127:1
What is happening? What is it? What is happening in the signs? It’s something very simple: man and the nations are trying to edify and protect themselves by their own efforts, rejecting divine intervention. Humanism says: we are powerful, we can, we have the ability, we have the authority and power to cover ourselves, to protect ourselves and to edify ourselves. We don’t need the intervention of anybody, not even God; all we need is to be able to build everything necessary to protect ourselves and everything necessary to edify the generation that we live in and the future generations… But by taking God out of the picture.
The Bible says: That it doesn’t matter how much man builds, if God doesn’t edify it, it’s going to come down. The Bible says, that it doesn’t matter how much man makes to protect himself, everything that he builds to protect himself with will come down and it will be fragile, and after spending millions and trillions of dollars, he will find that it was actually the most ordinary thing that ended up threatening his security… And they will pull at the hair on their heads saying, how can this be? If this was impenetrable… nobody could break through this wall of security… Well, God shows him that if this wall of security was broken down, it’s because if God isn’t the one protecting you, then there’s nothing you can do.
And you will hear this publicly, that what happened was that the budget became insufficient, because they never expected that the percentage set aside in the budget for the unexpected and for disasters would have grown in the amount that it grew, and that’s why there is a deficit.
This will be a sign that God’s intervention to protect me and to edify me is being rejected.
What’s more, out of the highest levels of power is coming an intellectual and humanistic garbage that is exercising authority and is telling man that the laws and the governments of the world don’t have anything to do with God.
Why? Because, they say, if we talk about the principles that God has put in man and on the earth then we are talking about topics of religion. And if we talk about topics of religion, that’s something private that everyone has to practice in their own house, in their own way. But there is no right to bring religious topics to the table when we are talking about the laws, governments or the nations.
What is trying to be accomplished by this? It’s very simple. This humanistic garbage is very perverted, very perverted. And the only thing that it is trying to ignore is the following: That it’s not the work of creation itself, but the Creator of the work that determines the purpose of what He created.
This means that when we talk about God’s principles placed on the Earth and in man we are not talking about religion. We are talking about principles, principles of creation. If these principles of creation are perverted, man destroys himself and the Earth destroys itself too.
Because these are not topics of religion, you can’t take God out of the human picture because God is the creator of man. You can’t disconnect the Creator from the creature and pretend that the creature, without perverting itself, will continue to function appropriately. This is impossible. Because when God made man, He didn’t just make him as a creature, listen well- He made him as his representative. In order to be his representative he had to have the same thinking as God, the same ideas as God, the same spirit as God and he had to represent Him on the earth by speaking what God was speaking.
Man can’t say, just like any little animal, that he can be separate from God. No. Because man was created as the ambassador of God on Earth.
God, who is Spirit and not of flesh, made man of flesh and bone so that he would represent Him in the environment in which flesh and bone are needed.
But this is the humanistic garbage that is rising…
What’s more, you are going to start to see more and more laws that are contrary to the divine principles. More and more. I know that in the Church we are going to fight, I know that in the Church we are going to pray, I know that we will do everything that we are able to do, but I also know and please understand, that: There are plans that are being carried out that prepare the way for Jesus Christ and the Lord Himself said that when He comes, it’s going to be like the days of Sodom and like the days of Noah. He said it.
Because of this there will be laws against God all the time that are completely perverting man, and you will see more and more the approval of these kinds of laws, of governments that are not surrendered to the Lord.
IV. This is the year to know the difference between
“son” and “descendent” <
What? How can I be a descendent and not be a son?
When someone descends from someone else he’s the child of someone, right?
Okay, but I’m going to show you that God doesn’t think this way. I’m going to show you that in the Bible it is not thought of this way, this is not the way the prophets thought, nor Jesus Christ the Lord. He establishes a difference between a son and a descendent.
When John the Baptist began his ministry he did something very particular. Because when John starts to baptize the people he looks at the multitudes that come and John’s words were very definitive with respect to this. He saw that some of those that were coming were very hypocritical… very hypocritical. So, in order that no one would be fooled by believing that because they were Israelites and had Abraham as a father… and that because they had Abraham as a father, if they were baptized with his baptism that was a baptism of repentance, that they were then free. John said: No, no, no… careful… I’m not going to let anyone be fooled. So he used these words:
And even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Then, the Lord showed me the axe in two very different and very powerful ways. And the strangest thing that happened to me is that He showed me that the axe is an instrument of mercy.
I said: What?... What? If I… What? The only thing that I seem to read is that the axe is a… What I mean is, when an axe is used it’s a matter of judgment, it’s a matter of cutting off what was going wrong and throwing it into the fire. That’s what I see!
Then, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes so that I could see what I hadn’t been seeing in what is written. He made me see something very important because He fixed my eyes on one little word. Because when John spoke about the axe, textually he said this and in the original you are going to find it this way:
And even now the axe… even now the axe.
Now… Now refers to the present tense.
That means that when the Spirit of God guided John to speak, He guided him to speak about the present time. This means that this axe can’t only be referring to the axe that God will use in His judgment when he is going to cut off the bad trees and throw them into the fire. This means that what John the Baptist was saying in this moment with his words was effectively an axe because it says: even now the axe is laid. If he says now, then he is speaking about the present.
My spiritual eyes were opened to this truth when I understood that now means right now.
John is saying: You know what? The axe even now… in the present and right now, the axe even now is laid to the root of the trees.
So if I were to say that John only said these words to refer to the axe of God’s judgment in the future, I wouldn’t be completely faithful to what is written in the Word. The Word says that John used the word now, and this now means the present tense, right now. Why did God guide John to use it in that way? For the following reason: Because God was guiding John, listen to this —how great is the Lord—, to use the Word of the Lord like an axe that even now was laid at the root of evil, those hypocrites that came without repenting, listen: for this reason: to give those hypocrites the opportunity that even now… even now they would truly repent from being bad trees and that they would become good trees.
I understood the axe not only as the axe of judgment for the future times, but that John was being used by the Lord to use the axe in that moment, but in that moment it was not a condemning judgment. Even though the words of John were very strong, they were very strong; they were words that obligated the people to define themselves. He said to them, look, you are a hypocrite when you come here, but even being a hypocrite as you are, God loves you, and for this reason He is laying the axe at the root of your life. Repent now, so that God doesn’t have to cut you off later!
The axe wasn’t something having to do with the future; it has to do with the present. When John used it, it became in his hand… the Words of God became in his hand, the axe of God’s mercy!
Because of this, John became, listen to this: the voice of a new time! Why? Because through his declaration, through his voice, what he did was to tell the evil ones: you still have a new time… A new time for what? To stop being a bad tree and to become a good tree, to stop being a hypocrite and to truly surrender your heart and repent of your sins.
Blessed be the axe!
God is turning his Word into an axe!
Today God is bringing back his Word as an axe, but it’s not an axe for cutting off the people, for cutting off the nations and throwing them out, No! It is an axe that comes on time, which is put right in front of you as a warning so that you can see and realize that He doesn’t want to cut you off. But if it doesn’t make you define yourself, He is going to have to cut you off and He doesn’t want to cut you off… Therefore, He is saying to the nations, to the world, and to you and me: “Repent, so that I don’t have to cut you off!”
My eyes were opened so that I could understand, of course— when you hear the word axe… judgment… axe… judgment… we consider it a fact. But when the Holy Spirit opens the eyes, one understands that even in God’s axe there is mercy, even in the most terrible and strongest word of God, there is mercy!
It is for this reason! For this reason! That this is the voice of a new time!
This is why God is commanding us to declare His word and it is also how He is commanding us to act!
We just finished looking at the axe as an instrument of mercy, but I also saw that John used the axe as an instrument of definition.
I told you before that we were going to use this little word: definition. Because another thing that John said in Luke 3, verse 8, don’t bother looking for it… He said:
“…And do not begin to say to yourselves,
'We have Abraham as our father…”
This means, don’t come to me with this false sense of security that because you are Israelites and descendents of Abraham, and because you pride yourselves on the fact that Abraham is your father, don’t come to me with this because John says, “Now I’m going to use the hardest axe that you will have to bear today, and you know what it is? The axe that says that God is capable of creating children of Abraham out of these stones.” —I bet there were some stones there that he pointed at—. This means, do you believe that you are children of Abraham? No… no… no… wait a minute no… no… no… Your status as Israelites does not make you children.
This means, under God’s vision, whoever doesn’t have the nature of God is never His child.
In human history, not only in the times of grace, but in all of human history, the Bible says that he who is a son has to act like the father. If he doesn’t act like the father he is considered a descendent but he is not considered a son.
For this reason John did not consider them sons, only descendents… “Don’t you say to me: we have Abraham as our father.”
But what catches my attention is that later on I see Jesus, in John chapter 8, don’t read there now… There is a passage; it’s very strong, very strong… It says that there were some Jews that had believed in Him. The original Greek seems to say that it wasn’t that they had believed in Him, but that they had believed Him. It means, they had believed in the words that He said, but had not believed in him; so Jesus started by saying: If you abide in My word, faithful to Me, you will be truly free.
And then their ears perked up and they said: “What is this?... What?... What? What about being truly free? If we are sons of Abraham and were never slaves of anyone…”
Now more than just being blind, they are dumb! Because it seems that they forgot that they had been slaves: of Babylon, of Egypt, of Egypt first and then of Babylon later and also ruled by the Roman Empire… It seems that they forgot… “We have never been slaves of anybody!” Oh really? “I say yes, says the Lord, you are slaves.”
Next, I realize that in chapter 8, now we are going to read a verse, John 8… in that same conversation, it is really a very strong argument taking place there, but in verse 39, John 8:39, look at what happens here, these men responded to Jesus by saying, in verse 39:
Abraham is our father.Jesus said to them: “If you were Abraham’s children…
And they were Jews.
…Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham.
But now you seek to kill Me,a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God.
Abraham did not do this. You do the deeds of your father.”
Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication, We have one father—God.”
Jesus said to them, “If God were your father you would love me, for I proceeded
forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent me.
Why do you not understand my speech?
Because you are not able to listen to my word.
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth,
because there is no truth in him.
When he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources,
for he is a liar and the father of it.
John 8: 39-44
Do you believe that these words are an axe? Yes, but they are an axe of definition.
Do you believe that these are words that don’t have mercy? You are mistaken. Jesus is saying to them, “You just believed in what I said, but in reality you do not believe in Me and I’m going to show you. I’m going to put some salt in the wound so that you realize that when I simply said that you are not Abraham’s children, it will show who you really are.”
When they became angry… to the point that they even told him he had a demon because of the things that he was saying…
Jesus said to them, “You are Israelites, but in reality you are the devil’s children.”
This means that nothing frees us from calling ourselves Christians and being children of the devil. Because calling myself a Christian doesn’t make me a child of God. I become a Christian if I have the nature of Christ. If I don’t have it I can’t call myself a Christian while still being a child of the devil.
Jesus used the axe as an instrument of definition!
Therefore brothers and sisters, the new time is for using the axe of God to define the people. And don’t interpret the axe like a stick that you use to hit people in the head with, and don’t interpret the axe as condemnation. Interpret the axe in the correct Spirit used by John and used by Jesus, so that this axe would bring the fear of God to the hearts of the people so that they would have to define themselves.
But read Romans 9 with me because this passage defines it even better. In Romans 9 the Apostle Paul, by the Spirit, summarizes the difference between the son and the descendent in a way that catches my attention. In Romans chapter 9, verse 6, it talks about Israel in this way, 9:6:
But it is not the word of God that has taken no effect.
For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,
nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham;
but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.”
That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God;
but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.
For this is the word of promise:
“At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son.”
Romans 9: 6-9
Do you realize how he made the distinction?
Paul simply said this: to be a descendent is something purely of the flesh that depends on the family relationship that comes from the human ties of blood. But to be a son requires something deeply spiritual: a change of nature and a change of essence. For someone to be a child of Abraham, it doesn’t matter if he carries Abraham’s blood through his ancestry, the human ancestry. What matters is if inside of him he has the same essence, the same nature as Abraham through which he loved Me, he obeyed Me, and he loved me more than anything or anyone else in the world, which he demonstrated by even offering his son Isaac, the son promised to him.
For God there is a great abyss between: descendent and son.
If we are God’s children, can we have a different way of thinking? Can we? Yes, we can. But, should we? Ah! No we shouldn’t…
We have to be in agreement with God, because you’re not going to win against God even if you reason with Him and tell Him that it doesn’t seem fair to you. You are going to end up losing and He is going to end up winning. I have never won a round with God! I end up with a black eye and knocked out, not even breathing for like… I don’t know… I end up unconscious for more than ten minutes… I have never beaten Him.
If you understand this, then I want to show you one last point this afternoon:
V. This is the year to know “the secret of Jonah” <
You might say, “But I read the little book of Jonah, four chapters, short, and I did not find any secret.” Look, in a little while I’m going to tell you something that God showed me about Jonah and we’ve been pretty unfair with Jonah. But it doesn’t matter; I will come back to that later…
Now let me show you something before we get to Jonah. When Jesus began His ministry, what words did He start it with? With these: Repent and believe in the Gospel.
The first word that came out of Jesus’ mouth publicly was: Repent.
This means that starting with that day the Lord established on the earth the voice of a new time! Because… He was establishing an order for being a child of God and for entering into the Kingdom. He said: “The order is precise and it’s final.”
First what? Repentance.
Second what? Believe in the Gospel.
Good. When I understand this and I realize that if someone perverts this, if they twist it or if they want to change the order… “No, first believe in the Gospel and later we’ll see if we repent…” Clearly according to Jesus, you can’t become a son of God, you can’t do it simply because He established first repentance and later believe in the Gospel.
Keeping this in mind as a foundation, a few moments ago we talked about the difference between a son of Abraham and a descendent of Abraham.
Now I want to show you the difference between descendents of God and sons of God.
Do you know who I call descendents? The ones I call descendents are a multitude of people in the nations of the world that have been receiving an edited gospel for years, an adulterated gospel, a gospel that they have sold and that they have bought as the true gospel, it’s a gospel that only exalts and preaches the second part, the so-called “beautiful” part, the part that doesn’t require any kind of sacrifice of me, the part that blesses me, the part that says, “Believe in Jesus, come to Jesus, believe in Jesus!”
But in that edited gospel there is no teaching, there is not even any emphasis in the first part of the Gospel of the Kingdom that requires those who come to Jesus, to first pass through something called genuine repentance of their sins.
All those who believe this edited gospel of believing in Jesus without experiencing in their lives a true repentance, they are descendents of God, but they don’t have God’s nature inside of them.
God gave me an enormous burden in my heart about this. He said to me:
This is the greatest danger that not only the Church is suffering, but the world too.
There is a great amount, a great amount of people in the world that are like Israel. They believe that they are sons, when in reality they are descendents.
Brothers and sisters listen, go to Luke 13, because I want to show you something. Jesus was very emphatic about repentance. I’m not even talking about the apostles, I’m talking about Jesus. Not only did he begin with the first word that came out of his mouth being that we should repent, but in Luke 13 I’m going to show you something very powerful, Luke 13, verse 1 says this:
Now there were some present at that time
who told Jesus about the Galileans
whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners
than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent,
you too will all perish.
Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—
do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
Luke 13: 1-5
If you notice something, here He never mentions believing in the Gospel.
The only thing He mentions is: repentance.
And He says: Even being Israelites, like these Galileans of Jerusalem, as much as we believe ourselves to be, if you all don’t repent like everyone else…
And people think: “Oh, look at what happened to them, they must be terrible sinners!” What? Aha! Because… You think that you are better? No my dear, if you don’t repent you are going to suffer the same as them.
That’s why in Luke 15 you have three parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son, or the prodigal son. If you read these three parables, in these three parables what Jesus emphasizes and teaches …do you know what it is? Repentance.
There is more joy in Heaven,
… for a sinner that repents,
than for ninety-nine righteous men
that do not need repentance.
So believing in Jesus, brothers and sisters, without genuine repentance, is accepting a deception that totally lacks the truth and that doesn’t offer salvation.
And let me tell you something that’s going to happen starting now to the church in the world, I’ll tell you this: We will begin to live the most difficult times with regards to the Gospel.
What do I mean when I say these words? I mean that, starting now there is a system of evil that had been put into action a long time ago, but that has been stopped significantly. But now it is coming and cannot be stopped. It is a system that is allowing people and organizations to make it so that we preach the Gospel with a “little” change: Don’t preach repentance. And they are going to make it legal.
Listen to what I am prophesying. How is it going to be legal? Very simple: If you preach repentance, you are going to be accused of violating the individual liberties of people and of being guilty of discrimination, because every person is free to embrace the religion that they want without being demanded or obligated to change their lifestyle.
The homosexual will come to you and you won’t be able to tell him that he should repent, or that Christ has the power to change him… If you do not accept him, you will go to jail.
“But this is discrimination!” No sir! This is love! This is not discrimination… it’s love!
Because if I say to this homosexual person that Christ receives him while he is still practicing his homosexuality, I am sending him to hell; I myself as a minister of the Lord, I am sending him to hell and I am not going to be guilty of sending him there.
These laws are coming and there is no one who can stop them!
I know that a lot of people want to hear flattering words… No, sir! I am going to say exactly what God told me to say. I am not here to bring something good to the ear of anybody and I am happy that the nations of the world are listening, because today there will be an opportunity for real repentance, to truly demonstrate that Christ has the power to change lives truly… truly… from an old man to a new man…
Anybody who disobeys these laws will first suffer economically and then will suffer jail, simply because you violated the law.
This is in the United States its coming at the rate of a galloping horse, what’s more, in the United States when you try to establish the articles and bylaws for a Christian Non-Profit Organization you have to be very careful with the article that says that there could be restorative discipline for sins, because the government can reject your petition.
It is already here brothers, but I’m going to tell you what makes me happy in the middle of all of this pain:
The true Church is going to come out!
The beautiful one that is hidden is going to come out!
The one that truly loves Christ is going to come out!
The Church that doesn’t run when they kill her is going to come out!
The Church that doesn’t run when she’s persecuted is going to come out!
The Church that is of God is going to come out and what is not of God, is going to be purged!
What is not of God is going to be left out!
There is going to be a difference between the righteous and the sinner, between the godly and the ungodly, between he who loves God and he who doesn’t love Him! Yes Lord, the difference will be seen! Yes Lord!
It is in those times that we will see the Church rise. Nobody will tell you, “unite with your brother,”… you will be united in the Spirit through the suffering.
There will not be ministerial selfishness, the growing of my ministry and the garbage that is in the Church today. They will be put out.
How much do I want this to come! Yes, that it would come, Lord!
Because it has to be purged from the garbage, the things that men want through using ministry…
“We have to grow!” Who said this?
We have to do the will of God, not grow! This is what we have to do… “Oh, but the will of God is that we grow… And for this reason we approve of anything, we have to grow at any cost…”
No! What the Spirit doesn’t speak should not be done in the Church because then God wouldn’t be the one building it.
Brothers and sisters let it come now! Let it come now!
Because what is of the truth and what is not of the truth must be shown in the Church of Jesus Christ.
Look, in order to summarize everything that I am saying… I am not Solomon, not even close, I still don’t even measure up to the bottom of his shoes, but the Lord gave me a proverb. It’s the first time in my life that I have received a proverb and it’s called:
“The Proverb of Deception,” and it says the following in respect to repentance and salvation, it says:
Like a woman who is convinced that she will give birth to a child without being pregnant, is the one who considers himself to be a child of God for believing in Jesus without being repentant.
I repeat:
Like a woman who is convinced that she will give birth to a child without being pregnant, is the one who considers himself to be a child of God for believing in Jesus without being repentant.
It’s not going to do you any good to say, “I believed in Jesus,” if you didn’t really repent. Jesus doesn’t receive you even if miracles happen. The Lord said it: You can do miracles in His name; and He says, “I don’t know you,” because He doesn’t know those that don’t repent first, He knows those that first repent and later believe in Him in order to live a life conformed to the ways of the Lord. If it’s not like this, you are outside of the Kingdom of God.
For this reason, I need to stop here this afternoon. Because what I am saying is very serious, and I praise the Lord because in this moment there are so many people that in some way or another are connected and listening to this… even if it’s in this moment, because I need… in the Name of the Lord, to really make a genuine call, a call with all of my heart for a true surrendering to Christ, that there would be a fear before God for our sins and a true repentance first from all of us, those of us that are listening, in order to produce in this moment repentance in whoever it might be that is listening to us.
That is why in this moment I want to take the time for all those who are present here, or via internet, radio, or wherever God is giving you the chance to hear us, to have a moment of reflection. Let this be an opportunity for you to repent from your sins. Stop thinking: "oh, but I have believed in Jesus for so many years." If you continue to practice sin, believing in Jesus will do you no good.
When one repents and is given a new nature, along with it, he receives the power to overcome sin so that he no longer practices sin as a way of life.
So now, in the Name of Jesus, to whoever is listening to me and is making this decision, wherever you are, if it is in a physical place, in a building, in a car, wherever you are listening, I am asking you, in the Name of the Lord, to listen to the call of the Lord so that there will be a a new time for you.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray for those that in this moment are listening through all possible ways, to this Word and this calling. Lord, you put a fire in my heart, about Lord, what it means to understand repentance, to understand Lord, that we can’t go to You with an edited gospel that only shows the “beautiful part,” and that doesn’t ask from us a true repentance produced by the Holy Spirit, this internal pain for having sinned against You so that we go to Jesus and receive life.
I am asking you Lord now, that all of all of those that are repenting would do it with sincerity of heart. Lord, it doesn’t matter how far they have fallen because of their sins, Lord, let your mercy touch them.
That this word would be like an axe that is laid at the root of them, so that they aren’t cut off, so that they return to You, so that they recognize, My God, that if they repent today, now there is a new time of grace for them…
And that if they do surrender, that they would be consecrated and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
I ask this for all of them right now. And I give you thanks for all of them, because now many descendents today have become sons and daughters blessed by the Lord.
Oh! Lord, thank you!
We declare it in this day, declaring that your Word has done what nobody else can do and only You can do.
I worship You Lord. I praise You Lord. I praise You and I bless You.
Worship God where you are…
Oh Lord, we praise You Lord! Oh we worship You Lord! Oh, we bless You Lord, we recognize Your greatness Lord!
Oh, our sins Lord! Our sins have been the only wall between us and You, our sins.
We aren’t any less of a sinner than someone who is in the street, our sins have created a wall and an obstacle between You and us, but today we want to repent from the heart and recognize all of Your love that you are giving us in this new time.
Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord! Thank you!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
We praise you Jesus!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
Oh, the blood, oh how beautiful is the blood, is the blood of Jesus!
Yes Lord, we bless You for Your precious blood shed for us. In this beautiful blood we have found forgiveness and complete and total cleansing, we have found the door that allows us to exit our condemnation, to find this beautiful open door of salvation in Christ, a door to a new life, to the power of the Gospel, the door to the Holy Spirit who comes upon us, the door to the glorious manifestation of the Son of God through Your children on Earth.
Thank you Lord!
In this blood we have truly been made new creatures, new people.
We praise You, oh Lord! We bless You and worship You!
I told you before that I was going to talk about the prophet Jonah.
I reflected on this book and it seemed to be that this book formed part of the Canon of the Scriptures as a book that teaches what not to do… We have taken more lessons from the book of Jonah about what not to do, meaning, from Jonah’s error, than we have taken from Jonah’s anointing. We have looked so much at the negative part of Jonah’s error that the devil was astute enough to cover up the positive part of Jonah’s anointing. When Jonah finally decided to obey the Lord and went to Nineveh, he preached these simple words, he said this:
Forty days from today
Nineveh will be destroyed.
This was all he preach, he didn’t embellished the message, he didn’t edit it, he didn’t make it prettier, he preach. Besides, he wasn’t interested either in making it prettier, because Assyria was the enemy of Israel and many times Israel had suffered at the hands of the Assyrians, so deep inside Jonah’s thought was, ¡good, may he kill them all!
Meaning, he wasn’t interested in delivering a pretty little word, all he said was: Forty days from today Nineveh will be destroyed.
If I judge this declaration, if I look just at the text, I could affirm and say that this is a death sentence for all the people of Nineveh, right? But do you know what I learned? That when the people heard this declaration, they really listened to it, all of them, from the king to the animals, so, they repented from their hearts.
And the text says that God cancelled the change of the nature of the times for Nineveh, He cancelled it. All the destruction and punishment that was coming -due to their own evil more than due to a judgment- was cancelled immediately when the people repented.
But listen to this, absolutely all the city repented.
And the Lord said to me: “Hey! You never looked at Jonah’s anointing? Why do you talk so much about his error but you never talk about his anointing?”
Because I have never seen any other men in the scriptures that have gone to a city to declare such a strong word of judgment, that has the power that all the city, even the animals, stop eating, stop drinking, and start fasting and repenting.
“Perhaps God!...” Said the king…”Perhaps God would change His mind, because we deserve this, we deserve this…but, perhaps God would have mercy on us.”
When I saw this do you know what I learned? I learned at least three things about what it means to use the word of God as an axe of mercy without editing it.
From our perspective, the word of Jonah did not carry mercy, from our human perspective …But I am going to show you three things that happen when one says exactly what God tells us to say, without editing it. Three things happen:
1. The word always obligates man to define himself. When Nineveh heard the word, they had to define themselves.
2. The word of God, the exact word of God, carries mercy and forgiveness even though the text may not declare it.
The editing that we make to the word is human, it is humanistic. We believe that if we only say what God is saying, it would be too harsh and that this word of God does not bring mercy, because since we only look at the surface and we never look at what is underneath it, then we believe that this word of God does not have any kind of mercy. Let’s see, judging just by the text, forty days from today Nineveh will be destroyed…Was there any mercy?Was there any mercy? Judging just by the text, Jonah had to have edited just a little bit and have said:”but if only you repent, maybe then, God would forgive you.”
Did Jonah add that? No, he did not!
I learned something: every word, from cover to cover, as destructive as it might be, it carries mercy and includes forgiveness inside.
Every word of God, if it is truly from God, inside, even though it’s not mentioned in the text, even though he who declares it does not express it, what’s more, even if he who declares it lacks mercy like Jonah did…because you can’t say that the people were touched by Jonah’s anointing of mercy…
But do you know what the success of Jonah was? It wasn’t that he was merciful with Assyria, but that he said exactly what God told him to say…
It is the word of God that does not come back empty, not the word that we say that is the word of God.
I’ll say it again: It is the word of God that does not comes back empty, not the word that we affirm that is the word of God.
I learned three things:
1. The word of God obligates you to define yourself.
2. The word of God carries mercy and forgiveness even if the text does not say it.
3. The one who declares the word of God becomes the voice of a new time for the people that hear him.
Because if the people hear him and repent like Nineveh, God cancels the change of the nature of the times, He cancels the punishment that was coming upon them and He blesses them.
The secret of Jonah, which we need to learn so that we can be the voice of a new time, is very simple: In this year that ends with the number ten, God is making us responsible for speaking the exact word of God, without editing it for the sake of making it more agreeable to people’s ears.
In reality, do you know why many times we try to make it more agreeable? So that we do not appear to others as people lacking mercy. This isn’t something we’re doing for God, it is something we do for ourselves. “When people talk about me, I want them to say that I’m a pastor that is good. I want everyone to say, ‘Do you know what?… that pastor is so good.’” When a pastor is concerned with making God’s words more agreeable to the people so that they will consider him “good”, he is actually good for nothing. Because really if the goal of the pastor is to be considered by others as “good,” it’s not the same as really being a good pastor. Jesus, as a pastor, was never interested in being considered by others to be “good.” He was the true good pastor. These two things are very different. The pastors that want to be considered by others as “good” are in reality, bad pastors. Only the pastor who speaks the exact words of God is truly a good pastor.
So I realized that John and Jonah, as well as Jesus, all became the voice in their time. Why did they become the voice? Because only he who speaks exactly what God says can become the voice. And when he speaks what God says, in that very moment he is using the axe of the Word, but he is using the axe of mercy to reach the people with such a deep conviction that these people will repent by hearing and will receive the opportunity of a new time.
Because of this, this year of 2010, the Church, the real Church, is the Church that will rise as “the voice of a new time”. And the Church will show the Lord that they love Him, and they will show the souls that they love the Lord. Because the first thing that the real Church is going to do is to throw out this edited gospel that only emphasizes the second part of the message- of believing in Jesus, without emphasizing true repentance, and the real Church is the one that will do this at whatever cost.
My dear friends, there are still many, inside and outside the Church that are descendents. There are still many that need to know the blessing it is to repent from the heart of all of their sins.
This nation has a very particular name: Honduras. And the one who discovered this nation said: “Finally we have been freed from the depths!” (Because Honduras means “the depths.”) Because they were afraid of drowning in the depths of the sea.
Listen… God told me: This year you will free the Word from Honduras; this name
has power because there is power in the name.
What God wants is that from the country of Honduras, (which means “the depths”) the Church of Christ will rise up and act to take the nations out of the depths they are in. And the church will say: Lord, “you used us to take the world out of these depths, you brought them to the surface, from out of the depths!”
Listen to something else… God sent me to Honduras too, because the plots and scheming against Honduras still has not stopped and they have not ended, the most horrendous part that they want to bring against Honduras has not been seen yet and it is already being planned in the minds of many people. For what you ask? So that Honduras surrenders and stops defending what it has been defending up until now with regards to their country and with regards to their nation.
Listen: I hear rumors of war in Central America and I hear that these rumors of war were stopped because of the attitude of Honduras.
And I’m not talking about political attitudes, I’m talking about the attitudes that are conformed to the law, this is the only thing that I’m talking about, I’m not talking about political parties. I am talking about things conformed to the law in order to give value to the law and to what the Constitution says. This attitude of Honduras stopped the imperialistic ideas of many people... Central America is on the brink of a war.
Listen to what I am saying by the Spirit, this is serious and you have to seriously pray: It hasn’t ended yet! What is happening has not ended yet! On the brink of a war that could start with two countries, but if the others intervene and take sides, it will just become general.
They want to provoke it, and they want to make Honduras, its government and all power, unstable. They want to do this from the outside because God has been working in this nation, He has been using men and women that at least have the fear of God, to clean much of the corruption… and still there is more coming from God to clean much of this corruption in Honduras.
God has called me and sent me to give the Word from nations that at some point in history—He has seen have had a heart for Him. God is going to show the difference between the nation that serves Him and the nation that does not serve Him; between the nation that loves Him and the one that does not love Him; between the nation that fears Him and the one that does not fear Him.
Therefore, in this very moment, I send a piece of advice from the Spirit to President Porfirio Lobo, to tell him:
In the same way you began, seeking humility of heart and truly seeking the wellness of the nation…In the same way, walk in righteousness and fear the Lord, God Almighty.
Seek all the advice from God the Almighty.
Seek Jesus Christ from your heart and He is going to let you know even the plots against the nation and He is going to tell you how to defend it from anything that is coming ahead.
But I know that the Church of Jesus Christ everywhere…do you know something? I do not have a nationality, and neither do you. I don’t defend Honduras because I am from Honduras, humanly speaking, I am not from Honduras…but spiritually, I am from every nation, so I am from Honduras as well, because we do not have a kingdom other than the Kingdom of Christ; everything else is circumstantial, it’s just geography! Amen!
I also want you to know: That there is intercession rising from many nations for all of Central America, and even more now that they have seen the fundamental role that Honduras played and will continue to play to stop what needs to be stopped, we are going to have to keep crying out and knowing God’s plans.
Because remember if we know God’s plans we will become like Elisha when the king of Assyria said: “Who among our people is telling Israel what we are about to do?” No, sir! he said, nobody…The thing is that the prophet Elisha is there and he tells Israel what is going to happen—even in his bed.
That is the real Church! That is it!
The one that uncovers the plots of the devil! Amen!
And it turns against that which doesn’t belong to God!
For this reason, in this moment my dear people, I want to ask everyone to stand up for a moment, I am finishing declaring what God told me, with simplicity, with fear but also with joy from God. But everybody here and to those listening wherever you are, I ask you to stand up, so that this word that we have spoken today which have entered into our minds and into our spirits, not only that it would be received, but that it would be discerned in the Spirit, so that we would know that each and every one, not only some ministers… no… no… no… everyone… everyone… everyone without exception, each child of God individually, would be transformed into the voice of a new time in whatever environment they may be in.
Do not be afraid of anybody or anything, God is with you, there is no devil that will touch you, as it is written, it clearly says: You will suffer no harm.
Let’s pray for God to light this Word on fire in our spirits so that we not only understand what it means to be the voice of a new time, but that we would be the voice of a new time. This is what’s important—that we act how God is calling us to be in this moment.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we are thankful for this 21st day of February, of 2010, that from the beautiful nation of Honduras where you have made so many changes, and there are still many beneficial changes that are coming to her … Lord, You are casting this Word prophetically to take the world out of the depths that it is immersed in for having rejected You. We pray that this Word would run like the wind and touch the ends of the Earth, only because it is Your Word, so that in touching the hearts there is opportunity for repenting and for coming to You wholeheartedly.
Right now we Lord, Your children, the ones who understand what it means to be children of God, the ones who value the nature that you have given us, we declare Lord, that we are becoming, in the place where you put us, the voice that doesn’t edit what You say, a voice that steps all over the cheap and adulterated gospel that doesn’t bring salvation.
Lord, a voice that is firm when faced with what is coming, without really caring what is coming, whether it seems good or whether it seems bad, because for those who love God, Everything that happens to us helps us for the good! Everything is under Your control! Lord, we love You!
We know that these declarations have affected the heavens because Your Word says that the powers and principalities know Your will through the Church. Today we have affected the environment, not only the natural and earthly environment, but also the spiritual and heavenly realm, through the voice of God declared to the world with simplicity, and with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord!
We worship You! We praise You! We honor You! We bless You and we give You all of the glory!
Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Halleluiah!
Blessed be the King! Blessed be the King forever and ever!
Forever and ever we praise You! We praise You! We praise You!
Only You are worthy to receive honor, glory, worship and power!
Only You are worthy!
We praise You! Thank you! You are Holy! Who could be like You Lord? You gallop over the clouds, King! Who is like You? Who is like You God?
Halleluiah! Oh, we honor You! Who is like You Lord?
Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry “Conquering Generation”
(Generación en Conquista)
and an advanced technical display, transmitting the meeting from the Hotel Clarión, Room "Plaza España".
Colonia La Alameda, Avenida “Juan Manuel Gálvez” II; #1521, Ciudad de Tegucigalpa, M. D. C.; Honduras C. A.
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