"Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul” were the words of the Holy Spirit that established the will of God for the sudden birth of a ministry.
In the same way, on a Tuesday just like any other Tuesday in November 1996, the Holy Spirit spoke once again, this time calling for the spiritual conception of a newborn going by the name of Ministerio Apostólico-Profético GENERACIÓN EN CONQUISTA (Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry CONQUERING GENERATION). 

The time and place was well marked—this time not in Antioch, but rather in Buenos Aires; Not in the 1st century, but in the 20th; and those called were not    Barnabas and Saul, but rather Daniel Dardano, Daniel Cipolla and Hernán Cipolla.

Once again, the work was entrusted to a chosen few, and Mexico would be the birthplace of a ministry that would soon embrace the nations. The words of the Holy Spirit resounding from the mouth of the prophet filled that meeting place and were witnessed by the saints gathered that day: “A great ministry for Mexico and a great ministry for the nations.”
The prophetic word was fulfilled, and this ministry —still in its infancy—
began to walk in December 1997.

Related topics:
Daniel & Estela Dardano  I  Daniel & Marta Cipolla  I  Hernán & Leticia Cipolla  I  Purpose & command