Daniel & Estela Dardano, Daniel & Marta Cipolla, Hernán & Leticia Cipolla.
Get to know more about the members and founders of the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry "Conquering Generation". by clicking on the links that correspond to each married couple
Being conscious that the Church has been called to establish the Kingdom of God to transform the world, the members of the ministerial team constantly travels to different nations, with the purpose of attending to the work of the Lord and to carry out the unique and irreplaceable commission of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry in order that the whole Church achieves unity of Spirit and faith (see Ephesians 4:12-13).
Extensive work is focused on the Church in general by holding events and visiting different ministries and churches that seek the ministering and the fresh revelation that the Lord is bringing in these critical end times. An even bigger task is also accomplished by giving careful attention to the churches under the spiritual authority of the Ministry, along with the personalized attention to the ministers and their families.
Ultimately, the objective is to minister the Word of the Lord everywhere and work together with the ministers and churches according to what is expressed in the link “Ministries of Foundation”.
The following series of photos shows just some of the moments captured from each ministerial visit to the different cities and nations while we were imparting the Word, sharing special teachings and ordaining the ministers that the Lord designated to execute one of the five ministries.
Related topics:
Daniel & Estela Dardano I Daniel & Marta Cipolla I Hernán & Leticia Cipolla