The office of the prophet is an extension of Christ's ministry and a function of the head of the body of Christ. The prophet operates in a realm of greater power and authority that those operating in the other two areas. As a result, a prophet has the grace to go beyond edification, exhortation and consolation. ...
Reports of past events:  This section is a complete record of events already happened
with their reviews, photos, animations, audio and video.
Year 2015
September 26, 2015

Daniel and Marta Cipolla's extensive apostolic trip to the European nations of Spain, Italy,
and Sweden. Also with Jairo and Natalia Cipolla to different cities in Africa.

August 01, 2015

Daniel and Marta Cipolla in Honduras. Conferences in various governmental entities
and interviews on important mass media, television and radio.

March 20, 2015

Commendation of pastors Marco and Salus Venancio and "Camino de vida" church,
officially being under the spiritual authority of the Ministry.

Related topics:
Agenda of events  I  Foundations  I  Invite