The office of the prophet is an extension of Christ's ministry and a function of the head of the body of Christ. The prophet operates in a realm of greater power and authority that those operating in the other two areas. As a result, a prophet has the grace to go beyond edification, exhortation and consolation. ...
Reports of past events:  This section is a complete record of events already happened
with their reviews, photos, animations, audio and video.
Year 2003

December 05, 2003

Daniel Dardano and Daniel Cipolla at Bogota city, working with the ministry "Proyección de Alcance Internacional"  based on apostolic and prophetic foundations.

October 25, 2003

Daniel Cipolla in conference and official presentation of the book Pure dynamite in "Expolitec"
in Mexico City, in the World Trade Center. The author autographed some books.

October 18, 2003

Apostolic and prophetic Seminary at Buenos Aires city, Argentina. With the assistance of denominational leaders and church members of several congregations.

September 15, 2003

First Pastoral Meeting which grouped pastoral couples under the spiritual authority.
The event was held in the Puebla state, Mexico.

Related topics:
Agenda of events  I  Foundations  I  Invite