The true Church is going to come out! The beautiful one that is hidden is going to come out! The one that truly loves Christ is going to come out! The Church that doesn’t run when they kill her is going to come out!...

Visiting Mexico, May 2009
May 22, 2009

Members of the ministry visit Mexico where the Lord is working with various objectives such as
a visit to churches in the area and the ordaining of the pastoring couples Montalvo and Soto.


In the month of May 2009, the members of the apostolic-prophetic Ministry Generación en Conquista, Daniel Dardano, Daniel Cipolla and Hernán Cipolla arrived in Mexico DF to develop a series of specific activities.  The activities were developed in accordance with the will of the Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 


On Friday May 22nd, the members of the Ministry shared the teaching made reference to in the title, which brought edification and strengthening to a group of brother and sisters among those being pastoral married couples and those in charge of other works of ministry.

By the Word and the Spirit, it could be ascertained that the plan of God for the lives and development of His children that make up the church of Jesus Christ, transcends and goes beyond conventional leadership that has been implemented.

What God has established goes... Beyond leadership... what He has planned is for MOLDERS; men and women in whom Christ is being shaped so that in turn, they can be used as instruments of God to invest in others so that they may be properly molded.

Those participating in this teaching, could not only discern the heart of God, but also could identify themselves as being “one more link in the chain” of GENERATIONS OF MOLDERS.

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On Saturday the 23rd in the Crowne Plaza Hotel of Tlalnepantla, in the state of Mexico, the churches of Mexico, Distrito Federal and the metropolitan area came together under the spiritual authority of the Ministry to participate in an event of great spiritual relevance as is the commissioning of new pastors to the work of the Lord.

In an ambiance of spiritual celebration, brotherly love, and having Jesus Christ as the focus, the members of the Ministry explained to those in attendance what the "standard" of the Word is to empower new pastors so that they may develop the work to which they were called with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The brothers and sisters that were trained and commissioned for the pastoral role are, Alejandro and Elizabeth Soto and Isaías and Solange Montalvo, who from the moment of training, will move on to form part of the pastoral team of the Iglesia Éxito Familiar together with Joaquín and Nuria Soto.

As always, the Lord has surprises in store, being that in addition to the prayers that were lifted up to the Lord for the respective confirmations and commissioning, there were prophetic and timely words for each one of the brothers and sisters that were ordained to the ministry.

Furthermore, there was a time to acquaint those in attendance with the pastors Joaquín and Nuria Soto and their calling to Spain, which will occur in the coming months, taking into consideration the divine timetable.

The conclusion of this celebration was culminated with praise, thanksgiving, and gratitude to the Lord expressed in song as the bid farewell was love manifest from one to another with embraces and a recognition of those that are bound together by the blood of Christ.  

Isaías and Solange Montalvo
Alejandro and Elizabeth Soto

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Panoramic view of Salon Lancaster of the Crowne Plaza Hotel of Tlalnepantla, in the state of Mexico,
where churches gathered from Mexico City and the metropolitan area to participate in
the commissioning of the new pastors to the work of the Lord. 

On Sunday the 24th, the members of the Ministry visited three different congregations to find out:

- FACTOR DE CAMBIO, in the city of Puebla, whose pastors are Amado and Leonor Peniche.  Also in collaboration at the meeting were the brothers and sisters of the ministry in Apizaco who are also the pastoral covering for Pastors Amado and Leonor Peniche.   Also in attendance was brother Daniel Dardano.
- VIDA PLENA, in Las Huertas, state of Mexico, whose pastors are Roberto and Angela Torres.  Also in attendance was brother Hernán Cipolla.
- VERDAD QUE TRANSFORMA, in Polance, Mexico DF, whose pastors are Jordi and Marysol Torres.  In attendance was brother Daniel Cipolla.
In these three places, the teaching provided in the handbook titled EDIFIED ON THE FOUNDATION was shared, which has the objective of establishing the people in the Word through the living truths that through the Spirit can be applied to each life so that there is transformation and conformation to the image of the Son of God. Needless to say, there is a strong belief that the Word took root in the hearts of all who were present which will bear fruit for the glory of God.

For the members of the Ministry, this visit to Mexico once again turned out to be a unique and remarkable experience with the joy of continuing the work of perfecting the saints for the works of service while ascertaining how the Kingdom of God extends through His Church with more workers available to “put their hands to the plow” and carry on in the honorable task of strengthening the body of Christ and taking the Gospel of the Kingdom to every corner of the world.        

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Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations