The true Church is going to come out! The beautiful one that is hidden is going to come out! The one that truly loves Christ is going to come out! The Church that doesn’t run when they kill her is going to come out!...

Visiting Argentina 2009
June 08, 2009

Hernan and Leticia Cipolla together with their children visit Argentina in a specific time for
this nation, to affirm, reorder and encourage the churches that are established in this country.


From the 8th to the 28th of June 2009,   The Cipolla family visited Argentina.  Hernán, Leticia, and their children Ariel, Jahaziel and Matías, shared precious and productive days together with the brothers and sisters of the churches.   
Generación en Conquista Lanús and Casa Grande
Some intense but very effective days that deeply touched the lives of those to who were ministered.  The church was driven to advance and establish the Kingdom of the beloved Father.


The answer is yes, when the Church of Jesus Christ plant their feet on the ground with the authority given by the King to say that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it when it is establishing His unshakeable Kingdom. This is the task at hand that strengthened the prophets Hernán and Leticia Cipolla in their visit to the Argentinian nation in the month of June

As a complement to the work that had been begun by the apostles and prophets many years ago, this visit in particular, came at a specific time to affirm, realign, and compel this thriving church that was established in Argentina. The visit was comprised of many phases with a profound transformation, starting from within the very heart of the Church itself.

Since our arrival at the Ezeiza airport, it could be perceived that something of great spiritual magnitude was about to take place. The days that followed confirmed this to be true. Various activities took place:


"Beyond Leadership" is a teaching that is given in every church for members of the body that are being called by the Lord to be part of a first line of collaboration together with the pastors, being transformed to "guide" disciples into being molded by Christ.

This teaching was given once again in Argentina, this time in the El Conquistador Hotel, with brothers and sisters from both congregations amid an entire day of sharing not only teaching but also moments of brotherly communion.

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A joint gathering between the two churches Generación en Conquista Lanús and Casa Grande, would mark a very special Sunday with a very simple and direct Word given to the Church, as it often is with God that brought us to an understanding of the importance of “loving the Lord with all our minds”. 

This means that the mind should not be habituated by concepts, biases, or human parameters, but instead should be governed by the mind of Christ and the spiritual principles of the Kingdom.  When this happens, worship is the result of a life that “lives” what it sings, not just worshipping through songs but that life itself is a continuous fountain of praise to God by living in the Spirit because the Lord and His Kingdom are the priority. 

As a result of every member of the Body living in this way, there is an intensification of worship when the church is gathered by the manifestation  of the life of Christ in the Body that can express with absolute freedom its love for the Lord with all its strength, all its heart and all its mind.

Specific words of the Spirit for each one of the pastors of the churches mentioned, indicated the direction and profound work that lies ahead for both congregations.

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A renewed “seminary for the youth” held on a Monday made an impact on the youth groups from both congregations and a large number of guests. 

An understanding of the clear identity that we should have as a result of knowing who we are in Christ put these young people in a place where the Lord wants us all to live, knowing that we were created by God in love and with a clear purpose for our lives.

With several breaks and a good lunch, a time of communion and sharing with one another embedded the spirit of liberty and simplicity which is how we should live our lives, not in a religious or stale way but instead expressing the precious life of Christ that He gives us and in fact wants us to live.

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During Hernán and Leticia’s visit, they shared “The Story of Nikhos” with both congregations on Wednesdays in the Church en Lanús and on Thursdays in the Iglesia en Capital. 

A deep analysis of the riches contained in this book and the concepts of the Kingdom of the heavens that it holds in its pages showed us in a very deep way, that the Gospel of the Kingdom differs from the Gospel of Salvation that the church has been commonly preaching and still preaches today. 

While this points to the individual and his future salvation, the gospel of the Kingdom, beyond the gospel of Salvation, immerses us today in the governance of God to live with authority and under authority as a result of dying to the old life so that the new nature leads us to live “in the Spirit” and with “the mind of Christ” knowing that everything has been given to us being that “we are complete in Him”. .

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On this day there were two events; in the morning in the church Generación en Conquista Lanús and in the afternoon in the Centro Cristiano Casa Grande.

The task of realignment, direction, momentum and preparation took shape on this day, designating the brothers and sisters to their new tasks and ministries, which were established with prayer, laying on of hands, and prophetic words that made us see once again, the privilege of living under God’s order, and being under the spiritual authority of the Ministry that ensures, covers, establishes, prepares, corrects, and gives clear direction from God for the Church. 

When the Church as a whole learns to live under the authority delegated by God of the five-fold ministry that Christ himself instituted, it will discover that it has the inherent authority that goes beyond the natural as it a supernatural authority.  It is given simply by living in the fullness of the Kingdom which according to the words of the Lord himself has drawn nearer to the Earth.  

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Panoramic view of the Salon Versailles of the Hotel Cambremon, of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires where the churches
of Argentina took advantage of the opportunity to participate in a joint gathering where a profound message,
Words of direction and the spirit of unity were the hallmark of a day that will make history in this nation.

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations