The revelation that the Magi had of Jesus is in direct contrast to the image that the Church of today has of Him, which is derived from their message and what they preach. For many of them, Jesus still “remains a child,” but He is really “the King” and we must both recognize that fact and obey Him....

V Ministerial Meeting "Submerged in victory"
September 21, 2008

Fifth Ministerial Meeting, held in the city of Miami, U.S.A with pastors under the spiritual authority
of the Ministry, from Argentina, Honduras, Mexico, Venezuela, United States and Sweden.


Between the 21st and 28th of September 2008 the 5th Ministerial Encounter called SUBMERGED IN VICTORY took place in the city of Miami in which pastors and their wives from Argentina, Honduras, Mexico, Venezuela, USA and Sweden participated under the authority of the Ministry.

One of the distinguishing features of this Encounter is that it took place entirely on a cruise ship which visited the islands of the western Caribbean, and sailing from the port of Miami on Sunday the 21st, went to the Bahamas, Saint Thomas and Saint Maarten and finally returning to Miami on Sunday the 28th where the brothers and sisters of the congregation en Miami demonstrated their love and service by providing transportation from the airport, hotels and shipping ports.

A meeting was held in Miami with the pastoral families from the various cities of the countries previously mentioned who are under the spiritual authority of the Ministry boarding a cruise ship that would lead to the development of the annual Encounter but also to times of leisure and fellowship in love and the Word.

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The activities began with a presentation that used animations to introduce the name of the Encounter:  “Submerged in victory”


Through a fun and intuitive video and a series of questions, one could visualize from the beginning the depth to which we were to be taken during the ministry time of the Encounter.

On that first night, two presentations were given which were received with great joy:  Pastor Horacio Ciccia as director of art of Nikhos Enterprise, showed a video that presented the new logo of the Ministry, which explained the direction that the Spirit gave in the updating of its features and characteristics showing the purposes and plans of the Lord for His Church:  “Establishing the Kingdom of God to transform the world.”

The second presentation was that of the new website of the Ministry showing the various features and services to the user in addition to up-to-date technology that introduces a renovated home page, direct links to all parts of the web page, quick access to the topics related to each subject matter, search engines for titles and content of the messages and teachings such as new pictures, animations, videos and much more.

On Tuesday the 23rd there were two prominent teachings.


The first was from Pastor Jose Luis Vargas, who spoke on “The finances of a Conquering Generation” which led us to a clear understanding that to speak on the finances in the Kingdom is totally “spiritual” when it is led by the Lord and administered wisely with the guidance of His Spirit and its importance of it in the short run for the years to come.

Pastor Jose Luis Vargas was followed by Pastor Julio Cabrera, who spoke on “Intercession of government”, which led us to see the importance of intercession in the Spirit, which comes not from the heart of man but from the heart of God and revealed by intimate fellowship with His Spirit in the relationship of a true worshipper that worships Him in Spirit and in truth.


Throughout the following days, the members of the Ministry elaborated on the main theme of the Encounter which isSubmerged in victory” with the involvement of the ministers who were present.

The need to remain in the death of Jesus in order to be able to live in His victory was the essence of the entire teaching.  A life in victory is born from death.  Living day to day in His death, realizing that our nature has been buried in Him is what allows us to recognize that we are literally “dead in Christ”…And if we’re dead then we no longer live (see Galatians 2:20). 


Remaining in Christ spoken of in John 15, does not refer to action we have to take.  Instead it is a way of life, to remain living in His death so that the life of Christ is made manifest.

The difference between what we normally call brokenness and death became clear, which is ultimately the true state in which the Christian should be.    It is not the act of dying in every moment but considering ourselves dead in every moment. 


It’s not only the bad in us that we should consider to be dead but also the good.  A grain of wheat is an example given to us in which although it is good, it remains alone and does not bear fruit if it doesn’t die.  In short, it will never give life which is the purpose for which it was created.

The victory which is born of death is what overcomes the world because all that is born of God overcomes the world….That is the true victory, His victory in us. 


It is what leads us to be more than conquerors in Him that loved us.

Other topics addressed were “aspects of the work of a minister” where the importance of the life of a minister could be seen as it is life that instructs in the shaping of people and transmits a spirit that produces life.  The work of the ministry is a life of service by the guidance of the Spirit directed outwardly towards others.  It open doors and leads you to an objective.

The importance of the definition was the final topic.  Just as Jesus took his disciples and confronted them with a decision (see John 6:60-69), the Lord leads us to be “defined” from the depth of our hearts.  There are times when the definition of us who minister is a result of our very own conviction.
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Image of logo that represented the spirit of the teachings of the Encounter.

Video and audio of the introduction "IMMERSED IN VICTORY"

Apart from the time of ministry, precious moments of brotherly fellowship were shared in a way that was very unique to this Encounter.  In addition to the time shared on the cruise itself, a sunny and picturesque day marked the first stop in the Bahamas visiting the city and its key areas in order to begin intercessory prayer.

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The second day was very intense on the Island of St Thomas visiting the city’s touristic places, enjoying the beautiful weather, eating together, and appreciating the beach which led us to give thanks for the beauty of God’s creation. 
The spirit of brotherly unity and joy was visible and palpable at every turn.

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Finally coming ashore on the island of St. Maarten, the group visited this beautiful place and its beaches bringing to full circle a time of fellowship that would deeply impact the entire ministry team.  Learning to live day by day enjoying God’s creation without tainting it with the spirit of the world, is what a church that attains true maturity in Christ can experience.

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Obviously, the main focus was not to be tourists on vacation but the power to intercede in each one of those places declaring that the veil be torn and that the Kingdom of Heaven draw near to every heart.  And so we interceded from the ship as a symbol of sailing on the waters that touch all the nations of the earth, declaring a new era poured out by the Spirit.

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Panoramic view of the cruise ship “Carnival Valor” which was the headquarters of this special Encounter
in which declarations of the Kingdom were unleashed to make an impact in each place that touch these waters. 
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Pastors with their wives and children met in the city of Miami, USA to board a cruise ship with the intention
of participating in the Fifth Ministerial Encounter SUBMERGED IN VICTORY, held in September of 2008
summoned by the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry “Generación en Conquista”

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Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations