The office of the prophet is an extension of Christ's ministry and a function of the head of the body of Christ. The prophet operates in a realm of greater power and authority that those operating in the other two areas. As a result, a prophet has the grace to go beyond edification, exhortation and consolation. ...

Sweden 2012 and new time for Europe
November 25, 2012

Daniel, Marta and Jairo Cipolla in the city of Lund, Sweden.
Establishment of the pastoral team of Christian Renewal Center.


We want to share with you all news of this New time for Europe.
This time, the focus is Sweden.

We spent several days with the brothers from Renovation church in the city of Lund. We knew beforehand that we were simply walking in everything God had in His heart and that He was presiding with complete freedom.

We started with 2 days of intensive teaching of the word of God about transcendental themes that affirmed the members of the Body in faith, in order to continue growing in maturity, according to Christ.

The conference The Power of Your Mind was given with a direct translation from Spanish to Swedish (with Yadira in charge of it), and it was very moving to see Swedish people listening attentively to the conference and receiving the Word of God.

The time in Sweden ended with a most important spiritual act for the benefit of this nation: the ordainment of the pastoral team for Renovation church, which is integrated by Alfonso and Roxana Tapia and Jordi and Marysol Torres starting on Sunday November 25th 2012. God had this in His heart from a long time ago.

On that day, the church received a teaching about the spiritual relevance of establishing elders according to the revelation from the Word of God. Additionally, we were able to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, with an understanding of it from its origins to how Jesus established it; we were astounded and thankful for what we were hearing and in unison we lifted the fourth cup, the inheritance cup, with immense joy and profound unity in the Spirit, marveled at the greatness of Christ and His work for us.

At the end there was a special time of communion with a nice lunch prepared by the brethren of the church.
In addition to all of this, our brothers in Sweden felt from the Spirit to pray over us for the Africa trip.
How moving it was to listen to the body of Christ through the children interceding for that nation and for the apostles!

We give all glory to Christ and we are sure that Europe is not the same anymore! Something fundamental started there from that day on!

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Deep Time Lord's presence during the establishment of the Pastoral Team.
Daniel and Martha ministered to pastors Jordi and Marisol Torres together pastors Alfonso and Roxana Tapia.

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations