The true Church is going to come out! The beautiful one that is hidden is going to come out! The one that truly loves Christ is going to come out! The Church that doesn’t run when they kill her is going to come out!...

Presentation of "The story of Nikhos" in Expocristiana
October 21, 2005

Introducing in EXPOCRISTIANA, Mexico City, The story of Nikhos in a theatrical version. Ministering in Ciudad Satelite, the membersof of the Ministry:


The Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry “Conquering Generation” organized and carried out an event with evangelistic outreach as its sole purpose on Friday, October 21st in the Teatro Las Torres located in Satellite City, Mexico.
The event was a theatrical presentation of THE STORY OF NIKHOS performed by the theater group of the Conquering Generation Church of Satellite City.
“The Story of Nikhos” contains the gospel of the kingdom and demonstrates how through the acknowledgement of the human condition as sinners, one can become a citizen of the Kingdom living on earth but following the Kingdom’s laws and transmitting its principles to the world.

The churches under the ministry’s authority located in Mexico’s federal district and metropolitan area were summoned and told that each member had to invite non-Christian people to hear the message of redemption through the presentation of THE STORY OF NIKHOS.

Publicity circulated in ECOS, a newspaper that around 90,000 people in Satellite City receive twice a week for free. This invitation also proved successful, and when the offer to surrender their lives to Christ was made, many took it with much delight. I was a night filled with spiritual joy.

But it didn’t end there; on Saturday, October 22nd THE STORY OF NIKHOS was presented in the EXPOCRISTIANA celebration in the World Trade Center of Mexico City.

This EXPO takes place annually and is put together by various Christian bookstores.
The public’s response was excellent; the room in which the presentation was performed was completely filled with people and once more, when the offer to surrender their lives to Christ arose, several people took it.
These were to days of excellent harvest.

And last but certainly not least, the three members of the ministry: Daniel Dardano, Daniel Cipolla, and Hernan Cipolla ministered the word to the attendees Sunday, October 23rd in Teatro Las Torres.
Pastors and members of the churches under the spiritual authority of the ministry were present together with other guests.

The Holy Spirit spoke concisely about the importance of unity in the body of Christ in the times we are living so the world may believe; we acknowledged that we are a “making” of the Lord designed to walk in the good deed that He prepared beforehand. The final message was titled “Break the Roaring Lion’s Teeth”, this message brought us to aim towards no longer living in the flesh because that gives the “lion” an opportunity to devour us, but instead living spiritually provides us with an unconquerable shield that blocks every entrance the lion might use.

The level of revelation and attention was superb.
Those who attended were able to acknowledge, admit, and take serious decisions to always be in accordance with the Spirit. The night ended with a lunch service presented by the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry.

We thank the lord deeply for such fruitful days and for the powerful manifestation of the Lord’s presence among us.

THE STORY OF NIKHOS will continue to be presented in many cities, regions, and countries by following a previously established calendar with the purpose of bringing recognition to the Gospel of the Kingdom as the power of God for the salvation of whoever believes.


more photos >>

Cover of the book "The story of Nikhos"
presented in the mentioned events,
whose information will find in a detailed way
in the section: "Literatura y Música"
of this same Web Sitio.

Belonging images to the
Apostolic Prophetic Ministry "Conquering Generation"
(Generación en Conquista)
Panoramic view of the scenery with giant screens mounted in the halls of the World Trade Center,
while members of the Ministry imparted a deep reflection on a life story as "The story of Nikhos."

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations