The revelation that the Magi had of Jesus is in direct contrast to the image that the Church of today has of Him, which is derived from their message and what they preach. For many of them, Jesus still “remains a child,” but He is really “the King” and we must both recognize that fact and obey Him....

Meeting for the unity of the Church
January 15, 2004

This meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, grouping pastors, leaders and
congregations under spiritual authority. Daniel Dardano and Hernán Cipolla ministered there.


“Meeting For the Unity of the Church” is the name that represents a deep sentiment born in the heart of the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry "Conquering Generation" (Generacion en Conquista) and that identifies with the heart of God.
This “Meeting” took place in Buenos Aires in January of 2004 and was coordinated by David and Mary Schoba, the pastors of the “Casa Grande” Church in Buenos Aires City.

Taking into account what Jesus said to his disciples… “and that they will be one, so that the world will believe…” what Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians …“We ask that you maintain the unity of the spirit…” and recognizing that unity is the principle for implanting the Kingdom of God on the Earth, the Meeting reached out to pastors, leaders and congregations who are flowing in the same spirit and determined to feel, think and speak the same thing, according to Biblical patterns.

This is a time in which many things are being restored and returning to the original model from which the Church never should have departed.

One of the things that God is presently restoring is the theocratical government to the Church:
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. These were instituted by Christ after his ascension and have the authority “to equip the saints so that they can develop the work of service” nourished by the five annointings that Christ himself had and operated with while on the Earth.

For years, the Church tried “to come to an agreement” in order to forge ahead and fulfill all kinds of plans. Although this attitude apparently has achieved some limited results, God's model is “to be in agreement,” which has to do with having the mind of Christ and being obedient to His Word.  Returning to the theocratical government is to recognize the authentic authority of God.

Obedience to this government brings us to a unity that we can keep, care for and preserve.
The result is that we can impact the world and make the lordship of Jesus Christ known, effectively fulfilling the Church's mission of being the “salt” and “light” of the Earth.

Several “Meetings” have been held recently involving more and more pastors and local congregations.  The apostle Daniel Dardano and the prophet Hernán Cipolla ministered in this latest one, held last May In the centrally located hotel of Buenos Aires.

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A panoramic view of the room "Versailles" Cambremon hotel in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. in istancias
the Body of Christ who was there celebrating the Lord met during the teaching of the members of the Ministry.

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations