The revelation that the Magi had of Jesus is in direct contrast to the image that the Church of today has of Him, which is derived from their message and what they preach. For many of them, Jesus still “remains a child,” but He is really “the King” and we must both recognize that fact and obey Him....

IV Ministerial Meeting “Registered trademark"
September 18, 2006

Fourth Ministerial Encounter held in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, Mexico, with the ministries under spiritual
authority. Teaching of the material “The experiences of the pastor Xx with Jesus Christ”.


The FOURTH MINISTERIAL MEETING “REGISTERED TRADEMARK” took place on September 18th through the 23rd in the Azul Melia Hotel in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, Mexico.
The Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry “Conquering Generation” (Generación en Conquista) holds this meeting annually with the purpose of bringing together all the ministers and ministries that are under their spiritual authority.


Every one of the past events had a distinct “touch” to it, and this one had indeed awakened a great spiritual expectation.

Months and even days before this event, the members of the Apostolic-Prophetic team group had been receiving, from intercessors in many countries, the words of God that expressed what He would do through the Spirit in every one of the attendees.

Expectation turned into tangible reality when each of us who were present saw ourselves confronted with the essence of Christ we contained and the divine nature stored within us.


This sincere, loving, yet firm Spiritual confrontation stripped us of our doctrinal armor, human knowledge, and all reasonable and logical schemes, exposing and comparing them to Christ’s nature that should be the natural expression of all the sons of God. Barriers began to tumble down when we delved into some of the manifestations of Jesus Christ’s character seen while he walked the Earth.


These manifestations are:

•  Priority
•  Conviction
•  Determination
•  Love
•  Impartiality
•  Jealousy
•  Completely Given

Once we spiritually identified and perceived how He always conducted His life according to what his character was composed of, we sincerely repented and decided to live the way the Lord did and we understood this must be the natural and normal way that we as sons of God should behave.

Christ’s character is the Registered Trademark the He engraved in us, and He left an example to be followed.

All of us who participated in this event are more than grateful to the Lord for allowing us to discover this revelation so we can follow it daily making Christ visible to the world through us.

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Material belonging to "Experiences of pastor Xx with Jesus Christ"
Imparted during the meeting.

Video and Audio "Introducción REGISTERED TRADEMARK"
The pastoral couples’ children also participated in the event by sharing special moments and receiving the teaching
and the “spirit” which defined and was imparted during the event.
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Image that represents the Logotype or reason of the IV Ministerial Meeting "REGISTERED TRADEMARK"
The pastoral couples and their children stayed in Azul Melia Hotel in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, Mexico to take part of the
fourth ministerial meeting REGISTERED TRADEMARK on September 2006, after being summoned by the
Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry “Conquering Generation” (Generación en Conquista).

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations