The revelation that the Magi had of Jesus is in direct contrast to the image that the Church of today has of Him, which is derived from their message and what they preach. For many of them, Jesus still “remains a child,” but He is really “the King” and we must both recognize that fact and obey Him....

III Ministerial Meeting "Generation S.A.L."
July 30, 2005

3rd Ministerial Meeting which grouped to every pastoral couple under spiritual authority
and their children. in Acapulco City, Mexico.


From Saturday, July 30 until Saturday, August 6, 2005, the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry "Conquering Generation" (Generacion en Conquista) held its Third Ministerial Meeting, which brought all of the pastoral couples under spiritual authority, along with their children.
The even took place in two parts:
A pre-Meeting, which was following by the Meeting itself.


The pre-Meeting was held from Saturday July 30 to Monday, August 1 and as in previous years, was named Trasformados (Transformed) whose purpose was to bring all the pastoral families together who had come under the spiritual authority of the Ministry within the last year.

The pre-Meeting took place in Acapulco in the Mexican state of Guerrero and consisted of specific teachings on becoming “Forgers” of the Kingdom, which implies that we have first had Christ “formed” in our lives, as Paul prayed in his letter to the Galatians (4:19).

The life of Christ formed in us is that allows us to reproduce ourselves and impart this same life to others.

The members of the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry team were the ones who imparted the teaching to the pastors, utilizing the material the Más Allá Del Liderazgo (Beyond Leadership) materials.

The teaching and ministry of the Holy Spirit were both timely and profound, focusing on the transformation of each of the ministers’ lives so that they, in turn, could transmit the teaching and spirit to those who make up the front line ministerial teams of their respective congregations.

Once more, the direction and flow of the Holy Spirit was clear.  The fellowship and manifestations of brotherly love contributed to the forming of strong bonds between the pastors of the diverse churches, which not only represented various cities in Mexico but from countries such as Colombia and Honduras as well.

This demonstrated once more the importance of jointly and unanimously working in the same mind and spirit.

“A team”
united under the anointing of the same spirit truly makes the unity of the faith practical so that we can extend the Kingdom of God and take His glory to every nation and tribe.

View Salon Crown Plaza Hotel, in times of impartation of "Beyond Leadership" carried out
during the pre-meeting.

The Third Ministerial Meeting "Generation S.A.L." was held from Tuesday, August 2 to Saturday, August 6, 2005 at the Hotel Crown Plaza in Acapulco, Mexico under the direction of the Apostolic-Prophetic team Conquering Generation.
The book “The Story of Nikhos” was presented during the meeting, a fundamental tool for the extension of the Kingdom
of God.

This Third Ministerial Meeting was characterized by the impartation of a capable and determined spirit in everything concerning the “work” of the Kingdom, but from the perspective of interior formation and a deep, personal relationship with the Lord.
This impartation was derived from the nature of the meeting’s name itself: the Generation S.A.L.

This is a generation that knows what it means to be a good soldier of Christ: obedient, determined and brave, but also one who knows how to train him or herself as a good “athlete” and consciously work with responsibility and patience as a faithful laborer in accordance with the teaching of the second letter to Timothy (2:1-7).

The impartation and ministry was under the guidance of the Ministry Covering team:
Daniel and Estela Dardano, Daniel and Marta Cipolla and Hernán and Leticia Cipolla.  This year’s meeting held some very unique moments guided prophetically by the Holy Spirit, which included a profound clamor for the nations one evening as we gathered on the seashore to pray for them.

Several men of God waded into the ocean to declare the establishment and implantation of the Kingdom of God in the various cities and countries around the world bathed by these same waters.
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Image that represents the Logotype or reason of the III Ministerial Meeting "GENERATION S.A.L."

Video and Audio "Introducción GENERACIÓN S.A.L."

The pastoral couples, along with their respective children, gathered at the Crown Plaza Hotel in the city of Acapulco,
Mexico in the state of Guerrero.

A press conference was held on Friday, Aug. 5 to officially present the “Nikhos” Company and its first publication, “The story of Nikhos.”
Much more than a book, this is a tool that will break through borders and language barriers through its profound message that will change the lives of thousands around the globe.

       (To read more about this event and view photographs
       go to  or simply click here.)

The theatrical production of the same book, The story of Nikhos,” was held that same evening, performed by a drama group of the “Generación en Conquista Satélite” Church of Satélite City.
       (To read more about this event and view photographs
       go to  or simply click here.)

The Story of Nikhos” expounds on the difference between the classical “gospel of salvation” that the Church has preached for years and the “gospel of the Kingdom” presented by Jesus himself when he inaugurated his earthy ministry.

The former was designed to get people into Heaven, focusing only on their salvation without detailing a clear responsibility for their own generation.
It has been basically ineffective in the midst of a world that needs a Church that can profoundly impact and change it.
The latter installs Christians on the Earth to fulfill their purpose, living by the laws of the Kingdom and forming part of a “responsible and committed” Church that implants the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth as a single “Body.”

This Gospel of the Kingdom goes much further than just the activities that the Church has programmed throughout the years and the well-planned strategies aimed at meeting the peoples’ needs, since its goal is to impart life in every area of daily life.
It will now no longer be necessary to attract people or convince them of extraordinary things, but rather they’ll come when they see Christ and His Kingdom in the lives of the members of the Body of Christ.
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View of the stage set in the spacious lounges of the Crown Plaza Hotel for the purpose of representing
teratral work "The story of Nikhos" due to the large public attendance at churches invited.

We also need to mention that the children and youth—who were added this year—had their “own” Meeting Generation S.A.L., which was adapted to their lingo and the needs of their ages.
This included various activities and ministry by the aforementioned ministry team.

It was very exciting to see the culmination of the event incorporating all of their completed works.

In summary, we could say that this Meeting marked an important milestone in the history of the churches under the spiritual authority of the Ministry.
This event helped to firmly equip and launch them towards their destinies on the Earth, so that the Nations will come to the feet of Christ.
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With much joy and fun activities, involving the youth group (left)
and children and adolescents (right) who gathered at the meeting.

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations