The revelation that the Magi had of Jesus is in direct contrast to the image that the Church of today has of Him, which is derived from their message and what they preach. For many of them, Jesus still “remains a child,” but He is really “the King” and we must both recognize that fact and obey Him....

I Ministerial Meeting "Transformed"
September 15, 2003

First Pastoral Meeting which grouped pastoral couples under the spiritual authority.
The event was held in the Puebla state, Mexico.


The first purpose was to strengthen the fraternal bonds and encourage a deeper relationship between all the pastors who labor beneath the ministry covering.

The second purpose was to introduce a manual titled "Más allá del liderazgo" (Beyond Leadership) whose objective is to provide pastors with the necessary elements to be able to effectively mold and train the main leaders of the ministry.

In the development of each session, the participating pastors and their spouses clearly observed that there is definitely something that goes "beyond leadership" and it's the fact that "Christ needs to be formed in each Christian".

When this happens by transformation, very similar to when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, then Christ can truly be expressed and the Kingdom of God be established throughout the Earth.

Attaining the same spirit and the same manner of thinking and feeling of Christ is the path to fruitful works by each child of God who forms part of the body of Christ.

The "Transformed" pastoral encounter wildly exceeded all of our expectations, and all of the participants felt they'd received even more than anticipated.

more photos >>

Following this announcement, you'll find the cover of the manual utilized in this meeting, whose content we will be adding shortly to the Materials section.

Belonging images to the
Apostolic Prophetic Ministry "Conquering Generation"
(Generación en Conquista)
From September 15-18, 2003, the Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry "Conquering Generation" (Generación en Conquista)
held the "Transformed" Pastoral Meeting in Puebla, México, which united all of the pastoral couples
ministering beneath the spiritual authority.

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations