The true Church is going to come out! The beautiful one that is hidden is going to come out! The one that truly loves Christ is going to come out! The Church that doesn’t run when they kill her is going to come out!...

Argentina 2007, Month of Fire
November 08, 2007

Prophets Daniel and Marta Cipolla’s extensive visit to the Argentine nation.
A trip that included various activities and the teachings of Training Workshops.


What a beautiful time of God! This was the expression all of us who shared time with Daniel and Marta Cipolla expressed during those transcendent days in Argentina.
God held back this visit for nine years with a clear purpose: to prepare the soil for a seed, which would bear abundant fruit.
For nine years he was preparing a visit which would transform the lives of everyone who participated in a series of events that were held during the month of November, between the 8th and 24th of the month. These days defined a before and after. November month of fire was the spirit that characterized this time signaled by the Father. He confronted us with truths that could only be understood through the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit directed Daniel and Marta Cipolla’s visit starting from their arrival at Ezeiza International Airport, and this brought great joy and a peculiar expectation.
They were received by the representing congregations of the nation and before anything, a letter was read that contained a declaration that resulted in prophetic prayer and great applause for the Lord that filled that public place with a fresh presence of the Spirit and was evident to everyone who was around the place.

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The first meetings were celebrated the following Sunday. That morning the prophet ministered the congregation of Conquering Generation Lanus, which is located in the south area of the Buenos Aires province. In the afternoon they ministered the congregation of Big House Christian Center, located in the country’s capital.

In both of the local churches Daniel and Marta had the opportunity to deliver the powerful river of the spirit placed in their hearts. They did it through profound preaching and a great amount of prophesies that brought direction and healed old wounds.

During this month of fire, a beautiful time from the beginning of this visit directed by God was experienced in the most austral nation of the world.

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Almost hundred of the representatives the Lord assigned to carry out the authority of the five ministries attended a meeting held Monday, December 12, in a luxurious central hotel. The word given that day by Daniel Cipolla was confronting and mobilizing.

It was amazing to understand that many things we read in the scripture and we do mechanically could be done almost without thinking or because they were being done that way before. All this becomes so different when we see it through the light of a profound search for what the Spirit wants to show us through the revelation of the word.
The impact was notable and the Lord manifested edifying words and miracles in each of the attending ministers, which also completed the joy of each of the people present.


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Thursday 15th and Friday 16th of the same month, an event with very peculiar characteristics took place. This event was titled “Are you or do you pretend to be?” backed by the slogan “The dilemma every Christian must resolve!

The event was projected on a giant screen and trough secondary screens. There was interaction with the assistants and this brought a sense of absolute engagement with every topic, which left deep markings in every life present.

When confronted by the Spirit, at first it feels like a dry wind that makes everything shake, but immediately after, a soft breeze submerges us in Him letting us know and trust in who we are. Even if sometimes we live through what we do, our true worth is in what we are in essence. The profound ministering allowed us to see why these events shouldn’t be recorded on film or tape; instead they had to be written in the lives present, like letters written by God’s hand.

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That following Sunday, we met in another central hotel to share a farewell with prophets Daniel and Marta Cipolla through a general service where we praised the Lord and gave Him all glory as the one who reigns and lives. Together with a large amount of brothers and friends that were able to attend, once again a tremendous word was given to the church, a word that brought it to a different understanding of what the Lord wants to do in such a peculiar time.

We were able to understand through the Spirit that it’s not just about something that was done wrong, instead it’s knowing that even if something biblical is being done, it does not accomplish its correct purpose if it’s done at the wrong time.
As a church and body of Christ, we have the responsibility of understanding times to be effective and so that he Lord can extend His kingdom and establish it in every nation over the earth.

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The following Tuesday and Wednesday, the preparation of work groups took place, groups which are formed by those members of the body, which have already been given the capacity and are walking in unison with their pastors in the same spirit and feeling and hold their duty as their first line of work.

A profound and exhaustive teaching titled “Beyond Leadership” allowed the Lord to form people of the kingdom with responsibilities and understand that being a leader in the usual way is limiting because God is looking for people who can form and distribute Christ in others through the life and character of Christ that has been formed in them first. That is the great challenge, we can only give from what we are and have. We can transmit what we know…but we can only impart into others what was first formed in us.

Representing the chancel they released ministries and functions within the body.

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View image "NOTICE OCTOBER"                                      View image "NOTICE NOVEMBER"
View texts "INTERVIEW OCTOBER"                                      View texts "INTERVIEW NOVEMBER"

Pieces published in newspapers with personal interviews with Daniel and Marta Cipolla
Click on each of the links to see pieces fully and to see the text from the interview

We cannot forget about the invitations made nationally by the church to all ministers, brothers, and friends, through printed pamphlets, personal cards, and publicity by mail, radio spots, and televised publicity through various channels.

To add to all of this, pieces in Christian newspapers during the previous have not only announced the different activities carried on by Daniel and Marta, but have also included two interviews and two extracts from the prophetic word given by the Lord to the church through the prophet, “2007, year of fire”.


As a corollary to the spread of all the events, a reunion of the local churches in Buenos Aires was held under the spiritual authority of the Conquering Generation Ministry, and placed the seal of the Spirit, which indelibly marked everything that the Lord ministered during the previous days.
A beautiful time of communion characterized this meeting, and the flow of His presence was evident through the sweet aroma of Christ.

“There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” –Ephesians 4:4-6
This is how the atmosphere that flooded that room felt. The Spirit once again released through the prophets, ministries and words from God, words that activated the youth and declared an anointment of authority from the kingdom over the pastors to impact a city and an entire nation.

It could not have been any other way, because only when the church moves through the same spirit, the Lord can move with all freedom and his kingdom has an impact that surpasses any reach imaginable.

The elected intendant of the city, Dr. Dario Diaz Perez, who would take his position in December was cordially and very specially invited to the church in Lanus, and was given a specific spiritual word through the prophet.

We were even able to pray for him and for the management he would take on in December, and we declared together as the church of Jesus Christ, that he Lord would accomplish his purpose for the city of Lanus through Dr. Diaz Perez, affecting the city to such an extent that it will be a model followed by the neighboring cities.


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Note published in the newspaper with an extract of the word “Sent to reign”
Click on the link to access an extended view and the texts of the word.

Due to the impact produced during all the tour a letter was necessary to publish the next December. This time it was referred to the word given by the Prophets to the Ministers who participated in the special meeting realized on November 12th.

Having summarized the most remarkable parts of this word you can access to it going to the top of this paragraph and clicking the figure to be able to see it in a maximized format or the text in detail.

Related topics:
Agenda of Events  I  Past events  I  Invitations