The true Church is going to come out! The beautiful one that is hidden is going to come out! The one that truly loves Christ is going to come out! The Church that doesn’t run when they kill her is going to come out!...

A new awakening for Africa
November 27, 2012

Daniel, Marta and Jairo Cipolla, the Lord sent to Tanzania, Africa, to impact the continent
with the presence of the Word and resources to supply hundreds of children.


How much easier it would be to write these lines if there were words to describe everything we experienced in Tanzania!

Getting to Morogoro was not easy. In the spiritual realm, given that Morogoro is one of the regions with heavy dominance of sorcery, during a few months before the trip there was a great spiritual battle that took place to cancel every barrier the devil tried to raise to stop this apostolic journey.
In the natural realm, after our work in Sweden was completed, we left to Copenhagen for a short flight that would take us to London. From there we went on a long flight to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, where we arrived on the morning of Tuesday November 27th after having flown all night. At the airport a young man named Delanoir was waiting for us with a sign that read DANIEL CIPOLLA.

From then on, the voyage of language, as we like to call it, would begin: talking in Spanish, translating to English, and then to Swahili. The driver who would take us to Morogoro only spoke Swahili.
We are going to describe the scene to make it clearer: Daniel and Marta would speak in Spanish, Jairo would translate to English for Delanoir, and Delanoir would translate to Swahili to the driver; all this all the way to the office where we would get the van to go to Morogoro.
Delanoir is a young Christian born in Cameroon—we immediately felt the presence of the Lord in him. He served us efficiently and with complete readiness of heart from the first day.
Now we would begin the drive to Morogoro from Dar Es Salaam: it was 4 hours on the road, with part of it on dirt road, and Joseph (the driver) speaking only Swahili. This was possible because the grace of the Lord was greatly manifested at all times.



To put things in context, we need to understand that when we talk about Morogoro and its surrounding regions, it is like talking about an “ocean of needs” and all the help that we are delivering would seem like taking away “a couple of buckets of water from that immense ocean”. Nevertheless, the Lord had spoken and there would be no circumstance, big or small, that could stop us.
A small example of the grace of God to defeat any obstacle was how the “language barrier” itself was broken, as we were able to communicate openly and with full understanding. Sometimes we would even go a bit overboard: Daniel and Marta would speak English, Jairo would talk in Swahili, and Delanoir and Joseph in Spanish. Don’t you think this voyage of language was pretty amazing?  


Every morning we would start the day by purchasing the materials that we would deliver to the different educational centers. There was a total of 1,300 note books, 500 English story books, 500 pens and 15 soccer balls that were bought during our trip. In Morogoro there are only small shops so we had to come back a couple of times so that they could give us the total amounts which we had requested.


On Wednesday November 28, we visited the Pastor Phil Training Center, which was founded by pastor Philemon Brighton and where around 500 children and youth (up to 17 years old) learn English and Information Technology. Pastor Philemon’s objective for creating this center was to give youth and children an academic resource (which is very scarce) that would allow them to reach a better future.


We delivered one notebook and one pen to every student at this center during the morning session

During the evening at 9 PM, Daniel shared a word on radio Okoa FM (which means Salvation)..


On Thursday November 29 we came back to visit Pastor Phil Training Center to deliver the school supplies to students who attend the afternoon session. We also delivered the English storybooks so that the students can continue learning the language.

During the afternoon, Daniel ministered a word at an interdenominational center. There were a few people at the place, the majority of them men, many of them pastors, and a few women.
Daniel preached a word about faith in Spanish, with Jairo translating to English and then Pastor Philemon translating to Swahili. It is important to mention that it was evident that everyone at the place understood the message with clarity, because Daniel’s gestures and expressions were faithfully replicated by Jairo and Philemon. The Lord our God is great and powerful!  

On Friday November 30, we went to several government schools to deliver some soccer balls. In reality, the children play with balls that they make out of any materials they can find. How to describe the happiness in the faces of all those children when they saw a professional soccer ball!

In one of the schools (Shule Ya Msingi Sua) which has about 800 children, something happened that would never be erased from our hearts and minds: when we arrived to the school, as soon as we got off the car, the children started getting close to us to greet us. In that moment something special happened with Marta, as the children came to her to hug and touch her. The number of children around her grew by the second. So for quite some time, all we were doing was hugging and blessing those children, transmitting the love of Christ. There is no way to express with words what we lived from the Lord during those moments.

During Friday afternoon, Daniel came back to the interdenominational center to share a word from God. After that, he started ministering prophetically to each person who attended the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Daniel was guided by the Spirit to speak a powerful prayer in which as the church we were canceling any ancestral damnation and occult pact over Morogoro, Tanzania, and the whole African continent. It was an indescribable time in which we could feel the Lord working in favor of the nation.

During the evening, we were able to share a special time with pastors Philemon and Christie Brighton, time in which the Lord ministered a punctual word for their lives. Additionally, as Christie is pregnant and soon to give birth to their firstborn this week, the Lord gave us the privilege of speaking prophetically the name of the girl: Damaris.

On the morning of Saturday December 1, we went to a remote place named Mikumi where there are approximately 100 small children, some of whom are orphans. There they learn about the Bible and also to read and write in Swahili.
We cannot really described what we lived during that day. We were overwhelmed when we saw so many children living in deplorable conditions and in spite of that, they received us with so much joy because they have very few visitors that want to share time with them.

What we experienced there was truly indescribable. We declare in faith that there is “a new time” for the brothers who worked next to pastor Julius in taking care of these children. They were always very thankful to us for having visited them and we were also thankful to the Lord for allowing us to be servants of his Kingdom.

That Saturday was the only day when we could observe some of Africa’s wild nature, and all this happened because on the road we were able to look to both sides and take pictures of elephants, monkeys, giraffes, zebras and some deer..

The most relevant task that we performed in all the centers we visited was that in every place we could enter the classrooms and, beside giving them some school materials, we also preached Christ openly. There were some Muslim student amongst them, who also received the word of the Lord. How precious and honorable it was to have the privilege of being there preaching the gospel of the Kingdom to so many children! We know that the seed which was planted will carry abundant fruit.

On Sunday December 2 it was the day of our departure from Tanzania. We headed to Dar Es Salaam early in the morning, leaving Morogoro behind but without forgetting what had happened there and what the Lord had started. Now another place was waiting for us: a church close to the airport, with pastors Gwideon and Rebeca Jona. They received us with great love and eagerness to receive the Word. The brothers and sisters from the congregation received the Word of the Lord with open hearts and willingness to make radical changes in their lives.

By the faith of Christ in us we declare that the spiritual understanding of all who received the Word is opened so that they can put it to work. We trust in the work God has done, continues doing and will do in Africa beyond everything we could ask or think.

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Video of the various times lived in Africa

Daniel, Marta and Jairo, with only some of the 500 children and young people under 17 years
attending to school "Pastor Phil Training Center", who founded the Philemon Pastor Brighton.

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