given in public, so it wasn't prepared and edited as a formal wrinting.

The Lord showed me that, 2008 is a year of reward. We all like rewards; don’t we? We have to understand that when God speaks about reward, it is not always what we think reward is.So we have to go into the heart of God, and understand what God has in there. What is in the center of his heart, In order for us to understand his reward?
This year couldn’t have been started before fully understanding what 2007 was.The Holy Spirit all of the sudden opened my understanding to a great truth. You will find in Exodus 16:25-26, 20:8-11; Leviticus 25:1-13: That God has established three cycles of time for his people on earth.
Cycles of 7 days.
Cycles of 7 Years.
Cycles of 7 weeks of years.
The first cycle that he established: Was to tell man that he had to work six days and rest one.
The cycle of seven years is applied to the soil or the earth and to man as well: The soil had to be worked for six years and then the seventh year it had to rest.
The cycle of seven weeks of years was applied to the soil and to man: It had to do with the jubilee of the Lord.
Every 50 years the trumpet of the Lord was played. The horn was blown declaring: it was the year where everyone would go back to possessing what they had before. But, where is the starting point of all this? Maybe you think; it’s a Hebrew or Jewish custom. Don’t be mistaken it is not a Jewish custom. This is a law should man obey it, we would be the most prosperous people.
“Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done,
and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He
rested from all His work which God had created and made.”
Genesis 2:1-3
Everything started based on a principle that God used to establish all things. He said: The seventh day and the seventh year, I take it for me and I declare it Holy.
What happened in this millennium we have started? 2007, we just ended the seventh year of this millennium.
It is not a casualty that 2007 was the Year of Fire. The sanctifying power of God with fire sanctified the seventh. This is why I said, 2008 cannot start without the sanctifying work performed in 2007.
I want to give you some good news! 2008 in the mind of God is the starting of a new cycle. The starting of a new cycle that went through the sanctifying work of God.
You, as the body of Christ must understand this truth: Starting this year, the next seven years will be key and important years according to the coming of the Lord. The Lord showed me that all of the events that will foretell his coming are near. Even in 2008 the earth will tremble because of the events that are going to start happening. There will be darkness on earth, but the sons of light will dwell in the light.
The Lord spoke to me about this year, about those who understand times.
As darkness comes over the earth those who understand the times will lift up their heads and glow because they know. The first point for the word for this year is:
1) The year where the generation of the sons of Issachar will be raised
The scripture mentions the sons of Issachar as follows:
“Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times,
to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred;
and all their brethren were at their command;”
1 Chronicles 12:32
We can define the sons of Issachar with one word: Wisdom. Because of the wisdom they had, they had two special things before God: God established them as people of strategy and people of counsel.
a) They knew what had to be done: STRATEGY.
b) And with their words they would counsel their brethren: COUNSEL
When there is authority it doesn’t matter if it’s my brother from flesh and blood. If there is wisdom there, I submit to the authority because i submit to God, not to flesh. History tells that they knew the times because they studied the stars. They were advanced in physics also. What does this wisdom have to do with us today?
“But to those who are called both Jews and Greeks,
Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”
“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom
from God-and righteousness and sanctification and redemption”
1Corinthians 1:24, 30
Here It says: that us as sons of God who are in Christ Jesus, we are Wise.
…No, I’m about to become! I’m trying to become wise! Each day I ask God for wisdom, because I’m very foolish in my decisions, and sometimes I make mistakes… Being fool is not lack of wisdom, its that you must learn to release the wisdom of Christ that is already within you. You have to tell the flesh to move away so the wisdom of God may be released!
The Sons of Issachar were not trying to be wise. They were wise!
God will raise the sons of Issachar. Those are the people of strategy and counsel.
Based on this I could see something that the scripture says about Joseph. It caught my attention when in Psalm 105 when the word speaks about Joseph it speaks about a certain specific thing:
“Until the hour that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.
The king sent and released him,
The ruler of the people let him go free.
He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possession,
To bind his princes at his pleasure, and teach his elders wisdom.”
Psalms 105: 19-22
You know when it all happened? When the hour came! When the hour came! When the hour came! Not a minute before the hour came.
And when did the hour come? After being tested to the limit, he was approved, and God in one hour took him from the jail to the throne, over pharaoh!
You can say he was the second in command. In the human realm he was, but in the spirit realm he was the first.
Do you know why he was the first? Because by the spirit Joseph says: “he put me as the father to pharaoh.” The sons don’t teach their fathers. The fathers teach their sons. So pharaoh was Josephs’ son... He was a son of Issachar in the spirit.
Let me show you something in particular. When I understood what God was wanting for this year. I remembered about the people understanding times in Issachar. But I had never linked what that has to do with this year; But all of the sudden, God took me to see what the name means. His name? My Lord was the question. So I said: You want me to find out what Issachar means? His name? Yes, I want you to find out what his name means!
“Then Leah said: God has rewarded me
for giving my maidservant to my husband.”
So she named him Issachar.”
Genesis 30:18
What does Issachar mean? It means my reward.
The First thing I understood is this generation. It was nothing in the mind I hadn’t related the two things. God was making me understand the principle he had for this year… It is the year of reward! But you have to understand something. What is reward? What is it all about, and who receives this reward? Because when we talk about reward, we relate this to some things that are not really a reward.
I want to read a verse that is the seal of the prophecy that God gave me for this 2008.
"Behold the almighty Lord God will come with might.
With his arm ruling for him
(that means he dominates it all)
Behold His reward is with him and his recompense before him."
Isaiah 40:10
Emphasis added
We have to understand what God is talking about, and why he is using the word reward twice. In order to understand this we have to go to Hebrews 11.
"By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of pharaoh’s daughter,
Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God
than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin,
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches
than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward."
Hebrews 11:24-26
The eyes were set on the reward.
But I want to think of Moses in the human realm. After forty years of preparation, he started to lead or preside of people that were stubborn for forty years, and at the end of his journey, God told him “you are not going in to the land”. “I took you to lead them, but you are not going in”.
The question is: was Moses reward earthly? If it had been earthly, he would have become frustrated and depressed.
Which was then his reward?
Further on in verse 39 it says:
“And all these, having obtained a good testimony
through faith, did not receive the promise,”
Hebrews 11:39
They all were approved by faith. But God didn’t give them what was promised.
Which was the reward? We live in a “microwave” society and church. “If you promised me God” it has to be now!” Because you told me! So I don’t understand my life as a link of God in the chain of the kingdom, where he is doing his work, and through me, others will be joined, so all of us together. Like verse 40 says: “we might be perfected as one”.
So in order to understand this we have to go to the second point.
2) This is the year where the church goes back to the purity of the true faith
For this you have to see two things and ask yourself two questions.
a) What’s the objective of the true faith?
b) What’s the purpose of the true faith?
If I don’t understand these two things I will never understand true faith.
a) The objective of true faith.
Hebrew 11:5-6 says: without Faith it is impossible to please God. Only by faith, those who seek him really find him. And then right there he gives an example. And says: I want to talk to you about Enoch. The name Enoch means “dedicated”.
Do you know what Enoch dedicated himself to do? To walk with God!
His objective was God. He had his eyes put on God. He wouldn’t look to right or left. The bible doesn’t say that he was seeking any earthly of spiritual reward. It never says he sought Gods salvation, it doesn’t say he sought to go to heaven. It never says he was expecting a reward from God. His reward “was God”. And because his objective was God, in the moment least expected, God raised him from this earth and took him.
He is the prophetic image of the church.
Who will God take when he comes and raptures us? Those who walk with him.
Those who are not seeking earthly reward, those who are not saying: lord I just want you to save me, just to have a place in heaven, so my family doesn’t go to hell…That’s the wrong objective! The church has used faith basically to receive benefits or achieve goals. That has its own place when it’s under the guidance of the spirit.
But when that’s the only objective we have perverted faith. And the church of Christ has perverted the objective of faith. And urgently we have to go back to the objective of faith.
Listen to this: when faith is pure, you love God, even though there would not be a heaven to enjoy or a hell to fear.
Ask yourself: If I wouldn’t be lost in sin, if I wouldn’t have the chastisement of hell. Would I love God? If your answer is no, you are still outside of the kingdom of God. Even though you might consider yourself saved, because the objective of my faith is not things that I would get and that God will fulfill all my promises. The objective is God!!
The second thing to understand in this year, where we go back to a pure faith:
b) What’s the purpose of faith?
There’s a verse that reminds me of “the cat and the mouse”. God has a good sense of humor. And sometimes he plays that game with us “the cat and the mouse”.
All of the sudden I read what God told Abraham and what happened to Abraham. God promised Abraham the land, and told him the limits of that land.
“By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country,
dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise.
For he waited for the city which has foundations,
whose builder has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.”
Hebrews 11:9-10
Abraham never got the land and when he dwelled there he did it as a foreigner. And we never see one sentence or a prayer that says: God! You promised the land to me, how come that I’m living in tents and others are the owners here? I could not follow such a God… Something is not right here, you promise and then not fulfill. There are no claims. Why? because his eyes were where? In the reward! However Abrahams reward is not the common reward we look at. That’s why the scripture say there are two things you cannot separate: Pleasing God and his will.
What’s the purpose of faith? To do the will of God!
What’s the objective of faith? The person of God!
If I do the will of God then there are no other motives. Anything in earth is worthless; God can keep it if he wants to, because I’m not loving, him because of that reward.
If we understand we are going back to true faith, we are examining ourselves to see which kind of faith we are living in Christ.
If we understand this we can understand the third point. This is the most important one of all scripture. It’s so important that so far it hasn’t be spoken about. By the spirit you will today listen to things you haven’t heard before and see things you haven’t seen before. The Lord told me:
3) This is the year of moving on from my faith in Christ to Christ’s faith within me
We don’t hear the church talk about this... For centuries we have spoken about: my faith in Christ or the faith in Christ. But the scripture says: that there is not only the faith in Christ, but there is also a faith that is the faith of Christ.
Hebrew 10:35-37 speaks about promise and reward. Both things are linked together. Verse 37 closes the teaching saying.
“Even a little more and he who is to come will come and he will not tarry”
Every time it speaks to reward or promised; it is linked to Christ, to his person.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day,
and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing.”
2 Tim 4:7-8
We have been talking about a pure faith in Christ.
a) The sign that my faith in Christ is pure.
I have to identify the sign that my faith in Christ is pure. If it’s pure you’ll find a sign. If you cannot find the sign, you know it is not pure.
Paul amongst all his declarations he says something powerful: I have kept the faith…
Most of us not even think of that... Faith is something of God! And I believe in Christ! What do I have to keep? What do I have to protect? What do I have to preserve? PURITY
How did Paul do it? He didn’t allow for the faith of God in him and the faith he had placed upon God to be perverted with personal or selfish purposes, not even with ministerial purposes. The scripture never say that Paul would make a decision based on the ministry.
His decisions were based by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Then he would say: everything that happens in my life serves for the gospel to advance. Not of my ministry; of the gospel.
Don’t pervert that because the scripture clearly tell: the Gospel. It doesn’t say my ministry. He kept the faith!! Then it says: to those who keep the faith like me. God will give us a crown of righteousness. But the key is how verse 8 ends it says: “and not only to me but to all those that love his coming.”
What is the sign that my faith is pure? That I’m anxiously waiting and expecting the coming of my lord Jesus Christ!
Glory to God!
He can break all the plans. He can end life in one second. I only care about one thing: That when he comes back and finds me, that I had finished the race. That I had finished his race! Not my plans, not my projects, not what I want for the ministry…
That is why Isaiah 40:10 is so extraordinary.
Centuries before Christ being born on earth; Isaiah many years before the second coming of the lord was spoken about, by the spirit he spoke twice about the reward. And we find a secret in this scripture and it’s talking about the end times. Even though he uses reward twice, He uses it in a different way to talk about two different things.
Based with a purpose the NIV version, I choose the scripture that was faithful to the original. I certified that this was this way. First it says:
“His reward comes with him”
There is a prize that is with God. And that comes with God. Surely that is for all who love him. When it talks about the later reward, it doesn’t speak about a reward that comes with him. It speaks about a reward that comes before him.
To preside means to come before of…
What comes before God, it cannot be a thing, it cannot be nor earthly material nor heavenly, it cannot be a crown, it cannot be eternal life, it can’t be heavenly city, it cant be the prizes that I’m going to receive. It’s not speaking about a thing that is coming before him. It’s speaking about someone!
There is a reward that comes before him. One is coming with him and it will get to me. All who love him will receive the reward. But I’m looking at the first one the second one does not come before the first one.
The first one is that “what comes before him”. The reward par excellence is not a thing. That reward is a person.
Who is coming before the Lord? The coming of the lord!
When he comes to get his church, he is anticipating what will happen at the end. Remember that when Christ comes in the clouds to raptures his people… That is not the end!!
That’s the reward before him. That is the reward par excellence.
After that the worst years of humanity will come; and after that the end time come, the judgment of the works, and then everyone will receive their reward. Be it the throne of righteousness or any other thing.
What reward were you expecting? Which one are you expecting?
The second reward the one that comes with God. Amongst them there will be a crown of gold that will be given to me, and will be given to you as well. What will we do with them?
We will throw them… At the feet of whom? Of the excellent reward!!
My utmost reward is Christ and he coming in the clouds for me!
There are many faces uneasy because as you listen to the spirit of God talking, you are realizing you have deviated from faith. You’re so involved in your earthly project that you lost the heavenly vision that he is coming. And I assure you it is soon.
The coming seven years will really be something: it’s coming soon!
The sign that my faith is pure is: I love his coming, if I don’t love his coming it is not pure.
b) The sign that I live by the faith of Christ in me.
But now I want to talk to you about the sign that I live by the faith of Christ. The great theme in the bible is not Faith. No? It’s the faith of God, not just Faith. We say the scripture is all about faith. No, the scripture is all about the faith of God. We never hear speaking of the faith of God, we hear about faith.
I want to show you this sign: Mark 10:27, 9:23; Jesus says:
“For man some things are impossible”
but then it says:
“To him who believe nothing is impossible”
He is contradicting himself, totally contradicting, but we know Jesus cannot contradict himself. That means there are two realities, for the impossible to become possible to man there has to be a bridge over the abyss that connects the impossible with the possible. You know what that bridge is called? The faith of God.
Without the faith of God you cannot link these things together. Without the faith of God never the impossible will become possible. It will only be a subject to study in a theological basis, but we will not get it.
“And Peter, remembering, said to him, “Rabbi, Look!
The fig tree which You cursed has withered away.”
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith of God.”
Mark 11:21-22
Surely, the bibles you are reading says have faith in God. I made really sure what I was talking about. In the original Greek and Aramaic, Jesus was not speaking of the faith in he spoke of the faith of… So it says that in the context in which we will read; It’s not happening because of the faith in God, It doesn’t matter how much faith you have in God, it will only happen if you have the faith of God.
In Mathew 14 when peter stepped out of the boat to walk on water, evidently he had lots of faith in God. A lot more than we would have! Why? Simple, you would not have even tried stepping out of the boat. But Peter did it. He had faith in God. Of course he did, and he did walk on water.
When he started sinking, the lord took his hand and said: man of little faith! Why did you doubt?
This means the lord never justified Peters doubt. He didn’t tell him: it is reasonable that you doubted and I applaud you for the five steps you took peter you got it.
Do you think Jesus is being cruel? That he didn’t want to encourage him? No.
He needed to teach him about the faith of God.
Those are practical teachings not theological. Anyone can open a bible and teach about it. But God says: I’m going to put you in my class. There is not a book, it’s not theory; its all practice! And now I’m starting with your life, to move you from your level in faith in me, and take you to my faith within you.
The word was: why did you doubt?
What is the sign that tells me that I live by the faith of Christ in me? If the faith of Christ is in me, the sign is the absence of doubt. There is no room for doubt when I have the faith of God. The faith of God exterminates doubt.
That’s why Jesus didn’t justify Peter, because he is telling him there was something of mine in there, and you just ruined it. Because your doubt shows me that even thought you have a lot of faith in me you don’t have my faith in you and you cannot do the works that are ahead of you Peter, if you don’t get to have my faith in you.
The Lord tells the church: that starting this year “you cannot walk on your faith in Christ” that’s the rudiment of the faith. Hebrews says that the imposition or laying of the hands and faith in Christ is the basis. It’s the foundation, it’s the starting. If we live on the foundation, we will never do the works that he has prepared for us to do. They are waiting for us!!
The disciples cannot cast out a demon, and they get depressed and frustrated, and they ask also ask like we ask when we get depressed.
Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said,
“Why could we not cast it out?”
So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief;
for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,
“Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
Mathew 17:19-20
Let me show you a secret. One more time we see an apparent contradiction: Jesus is being asked what happened? Your little faith is to blame. So, I know what’s the problem now! My faith is small or as in the original little.
But see the contradiction: Jesus teaches them, your faith is small.
He is talking about their faith in Christ your faith is small. I’m going to figure it out for you. Oh! Yes, Lord Please… Figure it out for me!
You need a faith as big as a mustard seed. Small, small, small; Lord are you sure? Don’t you think that what solves my little faith is a greater faith. Why are you talking to me about a faith as a mustard seed, when my faith is already small.
It’s talking of two different levels of faith. It’s not talking about the same level. When it talks about your faith it’s talking about their faith in Christ. But when it talks about the faith of the mustard seed it’s talking about the faith of God within them. If you have a “faith of God” just as small as a mustard seed, anything you say must happen, because it’s God talking through you.
It’s not your desires, it’s not your thoughts, and it’s not your positive affirmation.
It’s God himself with his faith talking through you.
Of course he was not talking about a big faith… Just a small crumb of the faith of God changes the world… The one that is not good is your small faith. God’s Small faith is the good one!!!
We need to understand that if we keep on living on our level of our faith in Christ we will keep on failing.
Just like the disciples failed, we will still be frustrated. Our faith in Christ doesn’t have the ability to exterminate doubt in your heart. You can have a big measure of faith in Christ, but in your heart you still have doubt.
The command of the lord for this year, he is aiming really high, he is telling the church: “my beloved move on from your “faith in Christ” to “the faith of Christ within you”, move according to “the faith in Christ within you”, achieve that level of faith and nothing will be impossible”.
It caught my attention that Jesus did not step on the stick. He did not fall on the tramp. He never told anyone you have to work on your faith until your faith becomes “the faith of God”.
Your faith in Christ even if you develop it, will never become the faith of Christ. You either have it or you don’t! That’ why Jesus always says: if you have…
He didn’t say: if you really strive to develop and achieve it. It’s impossible, because it is of God. I either have it or I don’t.
I need to go up to that level. It’s a level that comes when I enter into a new level of relationship with God. He gives it to me in that new level. I cannot achieve it by my own means. But it is for me! Its not that my faith in Christ will change until it becomes the faith of Christ.
To sum this up we can see Galatians 2:20. This man the apostle Paul lived in that level, but the basis of that level is dying totally.
“I don’t live anymore, but Jesus Christ lives in me, what I live now in the flesh”
(It doesn’t say in my flesh, why not in my, because it was already dead and it doesn’t belong to him anymore.)
“What I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of God”.
You know why the spirit recorded that scripture. So that we can become more frustrated so we can become more depressed… but Paul he was Paul an Apostle; NO! when Jesus taught to the disciples, he taught it to all the disciples and he told them that level is for all of you, not just for some
It’s a year to move on from my “faith in Christ” to Christ’s’ “faith within me”.
4) This is a year where the ministry of bodybuilding is now down
and the body of Christ is raised
This is powerful!
The dictionary defines bodybuilding like this: the practice of gymnastics that leads to an excessive development of the muscles.
We all know about bodybuilding; don’t we! What happens in that event? They have competitions before a judge; the whole body comes and presents itself. Not only one part of the body of the participant. Then the judges do their marks; when you see the end the judges say, you know what you are the winner! Say, why that’s awesome! You have beautiful blue eyes, your hair is in its place, and your nails are trimmed. Is that so!
Even though the whole body is present, only some parts of the body participate in the competition. The whole body is there but the contender is not caring about the whole body. He is concerned that those muscles that he excessively developed, will be so big and developed that he wins the competition.
This helps me to understand the body building ministries in the church.
Ephesians 4:11-13 talks about government. Talks about the five ministries, and says that their job is to perfect the saints until all the members without exceptions will present in the exhibitions of God. They will present themselves and they will win because they have become a “perfect man”.
They are not seeing one part of the body, a muscle. The competition: Is there a perfect man? Does it have the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ? Then he wins!!
All the members as one unity; not just some and others not.
Contrary to this in the church has been developing what I call “the muscles of my own ministry”. It looks like we have a competition in the church, and the part of the body called “my own ministry” is going to be the winner.
We are going to grow! Our ministry will grow! We will win the city! Are you nuts!! But I have 50,000! Wake up you from your dream you dumb! There are more than 5 million people in the city and from the 50,000 that you have in there; 49,999 still live in sin. You are a fool! And you do not understanding what I commanded you to perfect!
That is lack of understanding of three things. Authority, Government and Body.
If you don’t understand the authority of God in the five ministries nor the government that they have to do, you will never get the sense of the body.
This is what I call “The Samson Syndrome”.
This is a precious nugget I’m going to throw to you. The Holy Spirit showed me that Samson was more than just a judge. God raised him as a prophetic and visible person of his time. God didn’t use another person as he used Samson. God gave him strength in his muscles. Something strange!! He gave him that strength to fight the battles of the Lord. And he did fight the battles. If you see the registry in the bible not even one of them did he fight because of spiritual reasons. All of his purposes were always fleshly.
He said: I just did to them what they did to me! So he became angry because they stole his wife. So I’m going to harm the philistines!
You will never read about Samson not even one time that God told him fight this battle and that he did it. Everything was in the flesh! Everything had to do with him!
But the anointing did come over him? I agree with that, the anointing we can manipulate it, and we can use it in our flesh.
It is not a coincidence that the bible says this
“In those days there was not a king in Israel,
each one did as they think they had to do.”
That was a time when they didn’t have a king.
What’s the Samson syndrome in the church? The Samson Syndrome in the church is that each ministry has sought to rise up “mega ministries”. Listen now the mega ministries that men have raised with Gods anointing; just like Samson, are the visible and perfect image but also pathetic about the spirit of this time. God is not approving of them! Even though he raised them, because they misunderstood how they are working, what their motivation should be? Who are they working for?
And God is not concerned about your ministry but about “his body”.
He who is concerned about his ministry will never say what God says, because, he will loose people if he does. And they are not ready to loose popularity.
Mega ministries are based in the times where the church knew Jesus as savior. But they don’t know him as the head nor a king.
When you know him as the head, you become to know authority.
When you know him as a king you get to understand government.
So you go back to the sense of the body.
When each one does what it pleases it’s because there is no government.
Imagine that I am receiving the word of God and I need to sit down to write down what God tells me. But my limb named foot wants to do what it pleases. And it doesn’t want to sit down. And I struggle to sit down, but my foot wants to keep on moving… What should I do? I cannot sit down. Some say “I don’t care!”
I do my own thing! So, you’re not part of a body?
Do you walk by yourself? If each part of my body would do as it pleases, coordination would just be impossible.
I have good news by the Spirit:
In this 2008 where a new cycle has started, the Lord demolishes bodybuilding ministries in the church!
The lord rises up his authority and government!
He brings understanding and the sense of the body.
And we are being part of that remnant that since a long time has allowed God to show them the body. And that’s what we are working for.
God has called you to be a pioneer. Don’t become frustrated, it doesn’t matter if you are running against the current. You are running against the stream that comes from hell to walk in the spirit of God in favor of his body.
5) This is the year of seizing a full reward
Glory to God!
It caught my attention 2 John 8. John speaks in this context of those who deceive and reject Christ in the flesh, they say that Christ did not come in flesh, and he as an apostle is saying, be careful with those people… and it says:
"Look to yourselves, that we do not lose
those things we worked for,
but that we may receive a full reward."
2 John 8
“… A full reward!” We don’t only have a reward, but it is complete. How do I seize that reward? I will read paraphrases from Mathew 21:21. You can follow, in order for you to understand what I’m going to say, This paraphrases takes in consideration that the Lord is talking about “the faith of God” not “the faith in God”. So Jesus answered and said to them,
“Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt,
you will not only do what was done to the fig tree,
but also if you say to this mountain,
“be removed and be cast into the sea,” it will be done.
Mathew 21:21
The faith of God exterminates doubt!. It is infallible! Because whatever God said happens inexorably. But it’s perfect. It can’t say any other thing other than what God is saying. Let’s agree that when we talk based on our faith in Christ, we are not always talking what God is talking, and that’s why we doubt. But if I talk by the faith of Christ, I cannot doubt. Do you know why the prophets of old were that what they were? Because the spirit of the prophecy; which is Christ, it releases the word by Gods faith in you. There is nothing in the human realm that you can add or take away. That’s why it’s perfect.
Peter says:
“No one spoke this prophecy on their
own means, but by the spirit of God.”
There are three major things in order to seize the complete reward:
a) Supernatural protection
b) Bold Grace
c) The conquering of the promises of the material and spiritual realm.
Let me tell you what will happen:
a) How will you see the supernatural protection of God over his children?
Just as it happened in Egypt! While God was judging Egypt, the people were in Goshen. And they were not harmed. Their cattle was not dying they did not have any flies nor fleece. Egypt was in darkness and the people of God were in the light…
God will do the same for those who build up his body for those who want to seize a full reward, for those who have a pure faith. He foretells him this. Way before it happens. Years before!
One says; if that’s the grace of God. He said: “ I will give you grace.”
Ok if God gives us the Grace then I don’t have to do anything, because I cannot add or take away from the grace of God. He said he would give us grace and he said we would come out wealthy…
Yes and no…
b) Bold Grace
When the time came he said to Moses: “remember the grace I told you about”. Yes, I remember.
That’s for the bold ones! Bold to do what? I’m going to tell you. I have just exterminated Egypt, but there is one more that I need to do. I’m going to kill all the first born. And when they are really destroyed, when they are mourning for the children, when they are burring their first born, tell them to go and ask them give me all your wealth. Whatever God left you with now give it to me. Give me your money from your bank account, give me your jewels all your possessions give them to me.
Would you do that? That’s what Israel did!
The Scripture says:
“And they were given whatever they asked for,
that’s how they plundered the Egyptians.”
It’s like the lord is telling us:
“Your boldness in asking determines your capacity to plunder”.
My boldness in asking determines my ability to plunder. It is not the grace of God, it’s a bold Grace, the one that asks what is not reasonable, in the time that it is not a reasonable time and that plunders the enemy.
Let’s repeat this together:
My boldness in asking determines my ability to plunder…
My boldness in asking determines my ability to plunder…
2008 is a year of special grace to us. But without a bold attitude we won’t get it.
When I’m talking about a bold attitude, I’m not talking about crazy stuff, or doing foolish things in your flesh.
I’m talking about spiritual boldness.
Spiritual boldness comes through a word that God gives me.
God told Israel “You go there and in their face and you tell them to give you everything.
If you do that with out the voice of God you are foolish in potential.
Don’t confuse fleshly boldness and spiritual boldness. It’s so easy to pervert the word and the spirit of the word. ‘2007 ended with the word that it was a time of open doors and divine opportunities…
Some of you the doors were opened and you took that. The Lord told me this: in 2007 I opened it and the majority of you even thought the door is opened in the spirit. You have not taken it, and you have become frustrated, thinking you were living in a mistake.
The lord said: No, I opened it in 2007, but in the earthly realm you will take it by a bold grace in 2008.
So you didn’t fail! God tested you until the end, and it looks like he is late, but he’s never late.
Listen the most of you will walk through those open doors this year. The word of God is true!
Last step of seizing the full reward is:
c) To conquer the spiritual and material promises.
Sometimes we’re so spiritual that we forget that the material things are part of the full reward as well.
Remember part of Israel’s reward was to seize the possessions of Egypt and also the Promised Land. All of that was material... It was not the full reward, it was not the utmost reward, but it was part of it.
We must understand that.
Peter said to the Lord: we will follow you, but what will we have?
You will have plenty of houses and land... That’s on the earthly realm, but in the spiritual realm apart from the reward of Christ, and the utmost reward each one of you will have a throne.
Now there was also a throne for the traitor Judas; evidently he didn’t get it.
It doesn’t how many centuries go by the promises of God do not remain vacant. God does not grow old or die. The one that grows old and dies is man.
God knows how to wait. Until the men and the generation appear that will seize the reward that the former one didn’t get, and the bible says that the one that knew how to do it was Mathias. He took the throne of Judas.
Forget about what the former ones lost. Give Glory to God because they were foolish to do that, and now you can get it….
In the parable of the talents (money), there was a servant who really knew how to do business. The king gave him the money of the one who didn’t know how to do business. They all complained saying how unjust he was. But he wasn’t being unjust. He gave it to the one who did better business for him. It’s logical, not unjust!
The scripture says that this was an evil servant. And the servant says: I was afraid, because you are a very severe man that reaps where you didn’t harvest and you take what you didn’t sow...
Do you know what the problem with servant is? What he thinks about the king.
He is not bad because he didn’t do business. He didn’t do business because you cannot work for a person of which you are thinking the wrong thoughts about for you to prosper. And it looks like the king agrees with him because he tells him, if you know that I reap where I didn’t harvest.
So you know I was right he was bad!
Look at how it ends:
Why didn’t you take the money, at least take it to the bank so I can have the minimal interest on it
Do you know what he was saying? That the thought of the evil servant was wrong, and this king was indeed good. Why? Because if that evil servant would have only taken that money to the bank. Just with the minimal interest gain, God wouldn’t have punished him.
If you’re going to conquer promises in the material and spiritual realm, you have to have the right vision of God.
If you have a trace of a wrong thought about God you cannot negotiate for him.
If you think there is a trace of cruelty about God. In some way he’s too strict you have not gotten to know him and you won’t be able to do business for him.
I trust that all of us who are watching and hearing this word…
We are good servants. We are the ones that multiply in such a way, that God takes what was given to the evil servant and gives it to us.
Listen the Lord says: what others have labored comes to your hand!
Because others have labored for themselves but they didn’t know that I was using them, that they were just an instrument. They worked for themselves, with the wrong motives in their hearts, but once the package was wrapped. And it’s wrapped as a gift and they think they are going to get it I take it from them in the air and I place it in your hands… To the ones who worked with the right motives. The ones that worked as a body. The ones that believe my word.
And the Lord says: I will bring people, goods and promises that others labored.
Starting this year I will give them in your hands without you having to work for it. And when they come to your hand you will shepherd them for me. Because they are like sheep without a shepherd! They have only been ripped off, used and abused,bBut they have not been loved or shepherd.
The Lord tell to the church: my beloved church who lives for me it doesn’t matter where you are I bring my sheep from the four corners of the earth, and I put them in hands of those in my five fold ministries that have only worked for me with a pure heart and in total surrender.
Receive it my church because I bring them!!! This is the year the humble are raised. Because I cast down the pride from their thrones. And I fulfill Mary’s prophecy and I rise up the humble.
So my church in 2008 you will take everything I have considered for you.
Let it be done on earth and in heaven because the mouth of the Almighty God has spoken!
Amen! Amen, Amen…
We praise you Lord!
Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry “Conquering Generation”
(Generación en Conquista)
where the meeting was broadcast via the Internet from Hotel Clarión,
room "Plaza España". Colonia La Alameda, Ciudad de Tegucigalpa, M. D. C.; Honduras C. A.
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