given in public, so it wasn't prepared and edited as a formal wrinting.

English Voice: Pr. Caesar Galindo
I have been charged by the Lord to release the word that will, at least, direct us in some of the ways of the Lord for this year 2007.
Those of us, who walked 2006 and remember the word for 2006, know that it was impressive to see how each one of the things established by the Lord came to pass step by step.
And I know that it will not be any less this year 2007!
The Holy Spirit of the Lord told me that; “2007 IS A YEAR OF FIRE.”
And we must understand clearly what it means to be before a “year of fire”. For this, we are going to read a declaration made by the prophet John the Baptist.
The word says that the entire world was expectant to see if John was the Christ, then John made this declaration to make it clear to the entire world that he was not the Christ.
John answered them all,
“I baptize you with water.
But one more powerful than I will come,
the thongs of whose sandals
I am not worthy to untie.
He will baptize you with
the Holy Spirit and with fire.”
Luke 3:16
Every true prophetic voice that announces Christ
will mark its distinguishing seal like John did,
the distinguishing seal of the presence and work of Christ is:
Holy Spirit and fire.
Christ and His Kingdom cannot be separated
from the Holy Spirit and His fire.
Christ and Kingdom = Holy Spirit and fire.
If we go to the Scripture, we see how it relates the kingdom
with the fire.
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,
let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our
"God is a consuming fire”.
Hebrews 12:28-29
Therefore, when there is kingdom, there is fire of God.
We said that: We cannot separate Christ and His kingdom from the Holy Spirit and His Fire.
Every true prophetic voice, when it announces Christ, it will announce the Holy Spirit and the fire!
But I am going to stop and demonstrate to you this powerful truth that gives birth to what is going to come in the year 2007.
For the first time I was able to see something very important about the day of Pentecost: The word shows in a well known passage which we are going to see through the Spirit, the essence of the kingdom:
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven
and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated
and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them”.
Acts 2:1-4
This passage shows two important previous events that were like the manifestation at the coming of the Holy Spirit:
*The blowing of a violent wind that filled the entire place where they were.
*Tongues like fire appeared and came to rest on each of those almost one hundred and twenty
who were in that place.
These two events do not only have to do with a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. They have to do with the invisible nature that the Church of Jesus Christ would have, that at the coming of the Holy Spirit would become visible..
1. The blowing of a violent wind that filled the whole house they were in.
When Jesus met with Nicodemus, He said these words to him: Those born of the Spirit are like the wind. You do not know where it comes from or where it’s going.
The manifestation of the violent wind was saying: This will be the way to operate, the way to move, the nature of the wind that will be conceived in my Church, in my sons.
When the Holy Spirit came, He certified and fulfilled the words of Jesus. And the first thing He showed was a violent wind saying: Just as the Holy Spirit is, so are the sons of the Spirit.
2. Tongues like fire came to rest on each of the almost one hundred
and twenty people that were in that place.
These tongues are representing something very important, the dual condition of the Church: The individual condition and the collective condition.
* The individual condition
As sons, the apostle Paul says in Philippians 2:15 that we are: like stars in the universe.
That is to say, that each one of the children of God is a light flame of the Spirit that is ignited in the nations of the earth.
*The collective condition
The Church is no longer a shinning star; the book of Revelation says that the collective Church is the lampstand of God.
For that reason when the apostle John saw the vision in the book of Revelation, he saw the lampstand of God, the lampstands of God, each Church a lampstand.
This means then, that the coming of the Holy Spirit was a prophetic and visible announcement of the dual condition of the sons of God.
As light of the world that would illuminate the world with the flame of the Holy Spirit.
But that flame was representing something very special: It would burn continuously in the Church of Jesus Christ, so that as a body, we might be lampstands of God.
Every Church in on earth is a lampstand of God!
This gives base to what we are going to speak regarding 2007…
However, the essence of the light of the Church is the combination of two things: Oil and fire.
This is why Jesus came in the era he did and not in the era of the electric light….
Jesus Christ came in the time of the lamp, and when he spoke of the virgins, he spoke of the oil in the lamps; and when he spoke of the light, he did not speak of the light bulb, he spoke of the fire of the flame that ignited the oil.
The light that the Church projects, is the combination of the oil of the Holy Spirit and of the ignited flame of God, in the Church!
Some trying to modernize the Church in those things that are obsolete, which is correct, have mistaken the way and want the Church to give a light that comes from a different source: the source is already “electric light” and that which illuminates is a “light bulb”.
That is very modern but it’s not of the Spirit!
It’s great that I can turn on a light! And the electric light comes and turns on the light bulbs in the house. That is good for your house, for your refrigerator or your computer. This is good for everything that works with electricity and everything that needs to be illuminated…
But the essence of the Church cannot be modernized, it cannot be changed, the essence of the Church is the oil of the Holy Spirit and the flame of the fire of the Spirit ignited in her.
It will not change!
It cannot be modernized; the violent wind and the tongues were not mere manifestations, it was a prophetic act that was describing what the Church would be like!
Because remember that Jesus prophesized it, but it had not started. He prophesized it in Mathew 16 but it had not begun; because in order for it to begin, the oil and the fire had to come first.
And that oil and that fire would be in quantity in the Church of Jesus Christ!
Understanding this principle, I want to tell you something: For those to whom the spirit of the world has perverted their vision of the Church; the divine is obsolete…
But for those who see through the eyes of God, the divine is permanent!
How do we see?
With the eyes of God, the oil of the Spirit and His flame flowing and ignited in us. This will be what takes us until the end.
To reach the nations and to do it with the correct spirit, with the correct light, and with the correct oil!
That which is modern attracts but it does not transform!
I know your deeds, your hard work and your
perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked
men, that you have tested those who claim to be
apostles but are not, and have found them false.
You have persevered and have endured hardships
for my name, and have not grown weary.
Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your
first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen!
Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent,
I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
Revelation 2:2-5
The Lord is speaking to the Church of Ephesus, one of the Churches that the Lord spoke of to the apostle John. But before we see exactly what God spoke to John about the Church of Ephesus; what happened at the beginning of the vision? I was very surprised with something that takes place at the beginning of the vision, for it says:
"On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me
a loud voice like a trumpet, which said: "Write on a scroll what you see
and send it to the seven churches:
to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea".
I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me.
And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands,
The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand
and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels
of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches".
Revelation 1:10-12, 20
When one reads the passage and the Lord starts to say, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, He is speaking of Jesus Christ. But there is something else. The Holy Spirit called my attention to where it says that John turned around to see the voice and; who was speaking? Jesus Christ. When John turned around, whom should he see? Jesus Christ. But when he turns; what does he see? He sees the seven golden lampstands.
The pure word, the contained rhema, pure, holy, illuminating of God, is in the CHURCH.
What the Church speaks is what Jesus Christ speaks!
He does not show him Christ, He shows him the Church!
He tells him: John, you cannot see me if you do not pass through her!
You have to come through her if you want to see me!
I thought; How strange!
No, it is not strange said God. I have determined that everything that is of my Son, Christ, His fullness be there. It is coherent with all of my word, that what John had seen first would not be my face but my beloved one!
It’s rhema! It’s fire! The flame that’s never extinguished in the Church!
If it’s not in the earth, it cannot be in Christ in heaven. Because God does not speak on earth without the Church, He cannot do it because it violates His principles.
Without the Church there is no voice of God!
Without the Church there is no direction from God!
Without the Church there is no holiness!
Without the Church the world is in chaos!
The Church is the earthly solution from the heavenly Christ, because all of the heavenly Christ is in the earthly Church.
This is why when we read the passage about what the Lord says to the Church of Ephesus we find something very special from the Lord. There are things that are related with what we just saw, and what the Lord does first is: He gives seven complements!
He says: her works, her hard work, her patience, she did not tolerate wicked men, she tried those who called themselves apostles and were liars, and endured hardships and did not grow weary.
Seven complements! And all the complements were because the Church had love towards the name of the Lord!
But all of a sudden there is a contradiction. He says to the Church that she did everything for love of His name…
But He rebukes her immediately because she left her first love.
And now! I don’t understand!
Doesn’t she work? Doesn’t she have patience? Doesn’t she reject those who do evil? Doesn’t she try those who call themselves apostles and are not? She suffers and does not get discouraged?
He tells her that she did everything for love of His name but gives her two reprimands. How strange! He tells her; Go back to your first love and your first deeds!
In the year of the purifying fire, the order Jesus Christ gives to the Church is:
Go back to your first love and your first deeds!
When we love His name we do what is right for Him. But doing what is right for Him is not necessarily out of our first love for Him.
For example: Most of us are zealous towards God, zealous for the things of God, and we do everything that pleases Him but the purifying fire that comes from the first love is not there. The flame that purifies is not there.
What happens?
It is like a marriage, when in love; one does not have a heart or eyes for anyone else. Everything you give is absolutely given out of love, and you are not thinking about what you are getting in return.
If you truly fell in love, you are thinking about how to please the oth
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