given in public, so it wasn't prepared and edited as a formal wrinting.

Text in English / Audio in Spanish
“Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win.”. (1 Corinthians 9:24).
There are some transcendent things that we can learn from the Scriptures about the meaning of numbers 2 and 6 which are part of the year 2006.
The number 2:
This number has at least two meaningful implications showed in the Scriptures::
1. It represents things or events that God has already determined.
Genesis 41:1,5,32;
1 Samuel 3:10-14;
Matthew 23:37-38; and
John 3:3 and 5.
In each one of these situations it is clear that when God confirms something twice it means that: “the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass”. (Gen 41:32).
It is something that certainly will happen. Pharaoh received the dream two times.
God called Samuel by his name two times. Jesus mentioned Jerusalem two times.
Jesus assured two times to Nicodemus about the need of a new birth. In every case when something was mentioned twice before a declaration that meant God determined it and would assuredly do it.
2. It represents unity but in some cases separation:
Genesis 25:23;
Leviticus 19:19;
Deuteronomy 22:10-11;
1 Samuel 18:1 and 3;
Amos 3:3; and
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
In these passages we can see both, the principle of uniting as well as the principle of separation.
Jacob and Esau represent two people and two nations separated or divided even in their mother’s womb. Also in the teaching of the law regarding animals, seeds and clothing, it is established that certain things should remain separated and not mixed. In the New Testament this teaching was expressed when the Apostle Paul instructed Christians to not be yoked together with unbelievers. In this way God establishes a separation that allows us to be clean of any contamination in the flesh or in the spirit. Also the scriptures show that God confirmed the unity that was established in a correct spirit in the case of David and Jonathan’s friendship.
This kind of divine unity has its foundation on an agreement in the spirit. Consequently, only the unions that remain in agreement can last.
On the other hand, if unity is intended to be reached but struggles to the point of never fully agreeing, it is not real and will not last. Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18:19 talks about two that are in agreement not about two that try to arrive to an agreement.
It is notable that Exodus, the second book of the Bible as well as many of the second chapters in several books of the New Testament, describe situations of unity and separation.
* Exodus: The name of the book means “to leave”. The event of leaving Egypt marked the division between the people of the world and the children of God.
* Acts 2: Talks about the believer’s unity.
* Romans 2: Talks about the just judgment of God that establishes a division among man.
* Galatians 2: Describes the division that happened because of Peter and Barnabas’ return to the rudiments of the law.
* Ephesians 2: Describes how God, trough Jesus Christ, united Jews and Gentiles as one people (verse 14).
* Philippians 2: Starts in verse 3 talking about the unity that comes in walking with a Christ-like mind.
* Colossians 2: Describes the separation that exists between living in Christ and living in legalism.
* 2 Thessalonians 2: Talks about the apostasy in the church.
* 1 Timothy 2: Describes the unity of every man by the means of one mediator, Jesus Christ.
The number 6:
1. 6 represents man and his strength:
Genesis 1:26 and 31;
Luke 1:35-37.
God created Adam on the sixth day. It is remarkable that the specific event is described in verse 26, the two main numbers that conform the year 2006. By creation, the number 6 is linked to man and to everything that man can achieve in his own strength. However, this is not a reason to consider the number 6 as a bad number. Jesus birth was announced to Mary during the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy.
During this sixth month, two transcendent events occurred (a double announcement to Mary).
First, the angel told Mary that from her womb the Messiah would be born. Second, he told her about the birth of John the Baptist, the prophet that would prepare the way for the Messiah to come to the earth. God through two solid victories, Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, cancelled once and for all the defeat of Adam (the man created in the sixth day that failed God). In the book of Daniel, the prophet describes four empires: Babylon, Persia, Greek and Rome and in these four empires each letter in their alphabet has a numeric value. Additionally, in the book of Revelations 13:18, the number 666 is related to the beast. When we tried to relate these two facts, we found that the Greek name for Satan is TEITAN and the numeric value of these letters is 666 (T: 300, E: 5, I: 10, T: 300, A: 1 and N: 50). The number 666 is related to the number of the beast to indicate the characteristics of the antichrist spirit that will try to take away the Fullness of Christ that each man receives by faith and replace it with the fullness of the antichrist spirit in man.
The importance of the triple repetition of the number 6 goes beyond the mere numeric value resulting from certain names. It, instead, reveals the satanic intention to establish “the fullness of humanism, with all its power in each part of the human being, body.” The intention of this strategy is “to apply” a number 6 in the spirit, a number 6 in the soul and a number 6 in the body of every single man and woman. When this happens, humanism will govern that person completely and will make them live under the dominion of the “fullness of the antichrist’s spirit.” This contrasts with what happens in God’s children that have the Fullness of Christ’s Spirit in their spirit, soul and body.
Humanism under the narcotic influence of the antichrist’s spirit will work in the world until it will be able to deceive men and make them believe that they are able to create their own “paradise on the earth” and that they are capable to solve all the economical, political and social problems in the world, without considering God. It is for this reason that the world scenario is heading toward a big collapse that will allow this false messianic spirit to come and deceive a many people.
A year of determination
It is necessary to understand that the year 2006 will be a year where humanism will do everything to demonstrate its power and all its achievements in every area of human lives. As always, the spirit of humanism will intend to establish that men don’t need God, because they are their own gods and they can achieve everything in their own strength and abilities.
In contrast, the Lord is rising up His church in the supernatural power of the new man to clearly show the world that the spirit of humanism is a lie and that this spirit will end up failing in its intention to supplant God.
To equip the church to fight and be victorious in this battle against the spirit of humanism, the Holy Spirit poured out (before the year started) a divine impartation in the heart of His children.
The word that best describes this impartation is Determination.
This determination is not based on our own temporary desires. It is not based on our feelings and it is not compared to the resolutions that we make every New Year, which most of the time after a few months we realize were only good intentions that didn’t come to pass.
There is an abysmal gap between a desire and determination. A desire is only a feeling, an inner wish to reach something but without the willingness to pay the price and/or to do what ever it takes to obtain it. On the contrary, determination emerges from a deep inner conviction that leads us to do what ever it takes to reach the goal.
The determination I’m talking about is holy, pure and comes from the Father’s throne and will help each son of the kingdom of God to be determined in his heart to be clothed with the garments of:… the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:28).
The Holy Spirit has released in our inner man a special anointing that allows us to live under a spirit of determination…have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him (Colossians 3:10).
The Apostle Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit describes holy determination when he says: Run in such a way that you may obtain it (1 Corinthians 9:24).
Through this expression we are encouraged to win the race.
We haven’t been called to be another runner in the race, but a runner that runs with the conviction and determination of becoming the winner of the event.We all know that in a race despite the fact that there are a lot of runners, only one will obtain the first place. However, as strange as it sounds, every one of us that participates in this race has been called by the Lord to win it. So, how can we all win this race when we know that the bible says that “only one receives the prize?” The key is to understand that the expression of the Spirit “only one”, doesn’t refer to each one of the children of God as individuals, but it refers to Christ that lives in us and who made us One in HIM. When each one of us have been redeemed, tempered in all things, laid ourselves aside and have put on the new man created by God, we will become the winner of the race. The believer hasn’t been called to run the race in his own strength motivated by the spirit of competition with the aim to defeat his brethren. He is conscious that he is in Christ and a new man and that he will win the race. In this way the scripture:
but now indeed there are many members, yet ONE body (1 Corinthians 12:20) come to pass.
That ONE BODY represents every member of the body joined together in Christ, running the race and winning the prize, being ONE IN CHRIST---ONE BODY.
A year to recover what is was lost
Because of the greater understanding in our spirit about the power, and the supernatural and divine nature of the New Man that lives in us, we will be able to experience the victory of Christ in every area of our daily lives where up to now we just have experienced defeat and shame. Many things that we have lost in the past are going to be returned to us and in other instances, because of our daily walk in the spirit of determination, the Holy Spirit will lead us to fight and work until we recover these things.
We will learn to conduct ourselves as mature sons and daughters that never get discouraged and never quit, but always are constant until we RECOVER EVERYTHING.
In the three parables, taught by Jesus in Luke 15, we can gain access to the Father’s heart and understand two powerful meanings of this teaching. God will bring back many of those who were once firm in their faith but, for different reasons, they’re not “at home” but away from the Father’s protection. The Lord will use His church to work powerfully in the Spirit to bring those that are “outside of His church” to Himself and be apart of her (the Church). In every case it will be vital that we all have the same vision and heart that our Father has, because these people are LOST but not DEVALUATED. With this fire from God burning in our hearts we will work with determination to bring back those who once were lost and bring to the house of the Lord everyone that belongs to Him.
A year for the resurrection of what was death
In 2 Kings 4:15-37 we found the story of TWO RESURRECTIONS. First, we found the Shunammite woman dieing in her hope of being healed from her sterility. When the prophet Elisha shows her the goodness of God by bringing from the kingdom of death her desire to be a mom, she couldn’t believe the idea ---HER BLESSING TO BE RESURRECTED (verse 16).
Once she experienced the goodness of God and she conceived a baby, she went through a new situation of death and shame---the son that God had given her dies.
This time the woman’s attitude is very different, with a strong determination she looks for Elisha and doesn’t let him go until he goes to her house and resurrects her son from death (verse 30).
In the same way as the Shunammite, many things have not come to pass that we have been longing for as well as many divine promises that God has sown in our hearts years ago. Because of the years of delay in their fulfillment, we consider them all dead, but in this year the Lord will resurrect them.
The spirit of determination will work with such strength that the church not only won’t accept that God’s promises are dead, but also will do everything that is necessary for those promises to be resurrected.
A year of destrution of “Christian religiosity's bronze serpent"
Numbers 21:5-9 and 2 Kings 18:1-7, describe what happened with the bronze serpent that God ordered Moses to make. It was used for healing when some of the people of Israel were bit by a serpent. It is important to notice that the serpent WAS CREATED AND SET ON A POLE BY GOD’S COMMANDMENT (Numbers 21:8).
However, what once was God’s perfect will FOR A SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION, later became a cause of sin and idolatry. Even King Hezekiah by God’s inspiration called it nehushtan (a bronze thing) and ordered it to be broken into pieces (2 King 18:4).
In John 3:3-16, Jesus teaches an eternal principle related to the bronze serpent. He, himself, will rise in the same way the bronze serpent was raised up by Moses, to save and to heal the world. Jesus was raised up on the cross and he carried on Him all the world’s sins.
This act destroyed in every person that believes in Him the sin nature of the serpent, the devil. It is for this reason, starting with the new covenant, the Lord doesn’t want any “form” to be raised up to restrain the church in rituals, traditions, legalisms or ways of living.
1 Corinthians 14:26. This year the Holy Spirit will lead His people to destroy every form of service and every kind of program that adheres to the past in order to bring restoration and life to the church.
In the past these forms may have been used by God, but now God feels repulsion for them and they have become WORSHIP OBJECTS ---even idols. In destroying them, the church will return to her original form where every member of the body of Christ gathers together as a church and participates--- filled with the Holy Spirit-- in bringing authentic worship to the Lord and edification to the brethren.
Joshua 3; 3-4. The message that Joshua gave to the people of Israel before they crossed the Jordan is a “rhema” word for the church today. In this rhema word, the Lord is commanding His church to simply walk toward Him, under His direction, because what is coming is an unknown path for her.
A year when the corporative anointing will be formed
The corporative anointing will bring a definitive victory over the devil.
Ephesians 4:11-13. We run the race in Christ knowing that we are ONLY ONE BODY IN HIM. To conquer the prize will mean not only to win a heavenly crown, but also to reach a spiritual state of maturity here on earth that will allow us the understanding of what the spirit of Christ’s Body really means.
Then something miraculous and supernatural happens, the church will be transformed in the PERFECT MAN where the body disappears and appears on the earth in a glorious manifestation of the ascended Christ demonstrated through a solid church that is no other than the expression of Christ in this world.
Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry "Conquering Generation"
(Generación en Conquista)
where the meeting was broadcast to several nations from Miami city.
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